Current Planning Applications

Here you will find the current private or City-initiated development projects within the City of Niagara Falls being reviewed by the Planning Department under the Planning Act regulations. 

The information provided is only for those developments that have made formal and complete planning applications which are not approved until considered by the necessary Council or Committee meeting. 

This site is constantly being updated so please check back frequently for any changes.  Please refer to key maps for location details on multiple property developments.

Planning Application Types

  • AM - Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendments
  • 26T/26CD - Plan of Subdivisions and Condominium
  • COA - Committee of Adjustment (COA)  - Minor Variance - "A" files and Consent/Severance - "B" files

Format:   file type - year - file number  - example COA A-2020-002 - Committee of Adjustment Minor Variance (A) from 2020 and file number 002 - files are numbered chronologically as submitted/processed

Search the links below to learn about proposed current planning applications in Niagara Falls. Files can be sorted by type/location.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for please email the staff planner designated to the file or [email protected]

Official Plan Amendments

Please note that some of the third-party documents linked below may not be compliant with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act 2005, Ont. Reg. 429/07 (A.O.D.A.). Contact the Planning Department if you require a copy of these documents in an accessible format.

Appeal Rights

For information on your appeal rights, please contact the planner assigned to the file.

Current Planning Applications

File #AddressApplication Type
COA A-2023-004 B-2023-001282600Minor Variance, Consent (Severance)
COA B-2022-0277961 Booth StConsent (Severance)
COA A-2023-0035056 Bridge StMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0027047 Centennial StMinor Variance
AM-2020-005, 26T-11-2020-002, 6000 Marineland PyZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA), Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
AM-2021-0206740 & 6760 Fallsview BvZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2021-025Uppers QuarryZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
AM-2021-0263897 Welland StZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2022-0016259 - 6293 DORCHESTER RDZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2022-017Montrose Road (PIN#347533)Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2022-021PORTAGE RD, Lot 175Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
AM-2022-023 CHIPPAWA CREEK RDZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
COA A-2023-0055365 FERRY STMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0065584 Fraser StMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0077781 Secretariat CtMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0097085 Morrison StMinor Variance
COA B-2023-002, B-2023-003, B-4949 Lyon's PyConsent (Severance)
AM-2021-016 and AM-2022-015 8970 & 9015 Stanley Avenue and lands to southZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
AM-2023-002 and 26T11-2023-0018218, 8228 and 8547 Grassy Brook RoadZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA), Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
COA A-2023-0084120 Wellington StMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0104664-4666 QUEEN STMinor Variance
COA B-2023-005278198Consent (Severance)
COA B-2023-006202569Consent (Severance)
AM-2023-0034078 Victoria AvZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2023-005161274Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
AM-2023-007, 26T-11-2023-0029304 Mcleod RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
AM-2023-0045014 Wilmott StreetZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
COA A-2023-0116486 Laguna CtMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0129315 Lyons Creek RdMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0138481 Earl Thomas AvMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0163028 Dorchester RdMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0174760 Queen StMinor Variance
AM-2023-0095705 Buchanan AvZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
COA A-2023-0185401 River RdMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0194461 Huron StMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0206242 Lucia DrMinor Variance
COA B-2023-007, A-2023-023 and11274Minor Variance, Consent (Severance)
COA A-2023-0227938 Brookside DrMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0143736 Montrose RdMinor Variance
AM-2023-0115504 Lewis AvZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2023-0128178 Thorold Stone RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2023-0164310 Queen StZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
COA A-2023-0214188-4190 Terrace AvMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0275619 Stanley AvMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0284904 Jepson StMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0302450 Woodfield AvMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0296911 Waters AvMinor Variance
OPA NO. 1554310 Queen StOfficial Plan Amendment (OPA)
AM-2023-0152378 Portage RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
COA B-2023-0083953-3955 Main St ChippawaConsent (Severance)
COA A-2023-032 - DEFERRED4708 Armoury StMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0331606Minor Variance
COA A-2023-0347572 Lundy's LnMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0356153 Eaglewood DrMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0366013 Atlas StMinor Variance
COA A-2023-037 SODOM RDMinor Variance
AM-2023-0145640 STANLEY AV, 5609 & 5619 Buchanan AvenueZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
COA B-2023-0098178 Thorold Stone RdConsent (Severance)
AM-2022-0305809-5829 Mcleod RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2023-0107735-7769 Thorold Stone RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2023-018Ort RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2023-020164404Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2023-0243090 Montrose RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2023-0216668-6672 Hawkins StZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2023-0178004 Lundy's LnZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
COA A-2023-0275619 Stanley AvMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0324708 Armoury StMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0384276-4278 Fifth AvMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0394097 Muir AvMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0415020 Bridge StMinor Variance
COA A-2023-042 B-2023-01031517Minor Variance, Consent (Severance)
COA A-2023-043 B-2023-012 to 07641Minor Variance, Consent (Severance)
COA B-2023-0111635Consent (Severance)
COA B-2023-015 and 0168598 Biggar RdConsent (Severance)
AM-2023-0228885 Lundy's Ln and 8911 Lundy's LnZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
AM-2022-024 & 26T-11-2022-001 OAKWOOD DRZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA), Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
AM-2023-0296254 Brock StZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2023-0235438 Ferry StZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
COA B-2023-017 & A-2023-047137439Minor Variance, Consent (Severance)
A-2023-0444382 Montrose RdMinor Variance
A-2023-0394097 Muir AvMinor Variance
COA A-2023-0455500 Marineland PyMinor Variance
COA A-2023-046 MARINELAND PYMinor Variance
AM-2023-027 MOUNTAIN RDZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2023-0139127 Montrose RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
26CD-11-2023-0086357 Progress StPlan of Subdivision/Condominium
AM-2023-0335696 Desson AvZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2023-0265558 Drummond RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
COA A-2023-048336681Minor Variance
AM-2023-0315858 Dunn StZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2023-008, 26T-11-2023-003 Pin Oak DrZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
AM-2023-019 MONTROSE RDZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
AM-2023-0347301 Lundy's LnZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
AM-2023-036South Side of Main Street Between Murray Street and Allendale AvenueZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
AM-2023-030 & 26CD-11-2023-0093958 Cardinal DrZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
A-2023-0507034 Lundy's LnMinor Variance
A-2024-002 WARREN WOODS AVMinor Variance
A-2023-040 PORTAGE RDMinor Variance
A-2024-0017442 Sherrilee CrMinor Variance
A-2024-0036289 Fallsview BvMinor Variance
26CD-11-2022-0014735 PETTIT AV & 6705 CROPP STPlan of Subdivision/Condominium
COA A-2024-0097686 Dorchester RdMinor Variance
COA A-2024-0088196 Mcleod RdMinor Variance
COA A-2024-0065920 Dunn StMinor Variance
A-2024-0054430 Ellis StMinor Variance
COA A-2024-0077191 Alex AvMinor Variance
COA A-2024-004 & B-2024-0056870 Warden AvMinor Variance, Consent (Severance)
AM-2024-0019234 Sodom RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
COA A-2024-0103736 Montrose RdMinor Variance
COA A-2024-01228512Minor Variance
COA B-2024-002 to -0056663-6683 STANLEY AVConsent (Severance)
Delegated Meeting May 22 20249234 Sodom RdPlan of Subdivision/Condominium
AM-2023-028 & 26T-11-2023-004Lands east of Dorchester Road and north of Chippawa ParkwayZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA), Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
26CD-11-2024-0031635Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
AM-2024-0054709, 4725 & 4745 Bender St, 5655 Ontario Av & Air Rights over a Portion of Ontario Av & Lands on the SW corner of Palmer Av & Bender StZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
AM-2024-0036546 FALLSVIEW BV & 6503-6519 STANLEY AVZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
AM-2024-004 & 26CD-11-2024-0016529 St John StZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
AM-2024-0092430 St Paul AvZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
COA B-2024-008 & A-2024-0261606Minor Variance, Consent (Severance)
COA A-2024-0136080 Dunn StMinor Variance
A-2024-0146668 Dawson StMinor Variance
COA B-2024-0076391 Laura CrConsent (Severance)
A-2024-0118621 Earl Thomas AvMinor Variance
AM-2024-0126888 Drummond RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
COA A-2024-0254820 Portage RdMinor Variance
COA A-2024-0152363 Valentina CrMinor Variance
COA A-2024-0162369 Valentina CrMinor Variance
COA A-2024-0172381 Valentina CrMinor Variance
COA A-2024-0186443 Lucia DrMinor Variance
COA A-2024-0192366 Terravita DrMinor Variance
COA A-2024-0202350 Terravita DrMinor Variance
COA A-2024-0212342 Terravita DrMinor Variance
COA A-2024-0232310 Terravita DrMinor Variance
COA A-2024-0242373 Terravita DrMinor Variance
AM-2023-0354473-4479 & 4499 FERGUSON STZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
AM-2024-0158698-8704 Roosevelt AvZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2024-0135234-5276, 5278 & 5284 FERRY ST and 5928 CLARK AVZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2024-0027715 Beaverdams RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2024-0104280 Fourth AvZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
COA A-2024-0284446 Morrison StMinor Variance
COA A-2024-0275629 Swayze DrMinor Variance
COA B-2024-009 & A-2024-0293736 Montrose RdMinor Variance, Consent (Severance)
AM-2024-016 & 26T-11-2018-002 Sodom RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
AM-2023-0254257 Montrose RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
COA B-2024-011 & A-2024-0336140 Culp StMinor Variance, Consent (Severance)
COA B-2024-0106193 Corwin AvConsent (Severance)
COA A-2024-0326289 Fallsview BvMinor Variance
COA A-2024-030 Blackburn PyMinor Variance
AM-2024-0217230 Lundy's LnZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
COA A-2024-036352156Minor Variance
COA B-2024-012 & A-2024-0354634 Baldwin AvMinor Variance, Consent (Severance)
COA A-2024-038MCLEOD RD (ARN 2725 090 00600 100)Minor Variance
COA A-2024-0399405 Schisler RdMinor Variance
COA B-2024-011 & A-2024-0336140 Culp StMinor Variance, Consent (Severance)
AM-2024-0178547 Grassy Brook RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2024-0235901 - 6009 BENTLEY CM (excluding 5957-5981) See images in attached for more info.Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2024-007 and 26CD-11-2024-08168 Mcleod RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
26T-11-2023-005 & 26CD-11-20233151 MONTROSE RD & a vacant parcel to the north (ARN: 272510000362302)Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
AM-2024-0254952 Walnut StZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2024-0117302 Kalar RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
COA A-2024-0345610 Fraser StMinor Variance
COA A-2024-0406387 Balmoral AvMinor Variance
COA A-2024-0446188 Scott StMinor Variance
COA B-2024-0147816 Rysdale StConsent (Severance)
COA A-2024-0434422 HURON STMinor Variance
COA B-2024-0136040 Progress StConsent (Severance)
COA B-2024-0445711 Mcleod RdMinor Variance
AM-2024-035 & 26T-11-2023-002 9304 Mcleod RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA), Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
AM-2024-027 & 26T-11-2019-001 6357 Progress StZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA), Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
COA A-2024-0373621 Gunning DrMinor Variance
COA B-2024-0177690 Thomas StConsent (Severance)
COA B-2024-0204650-4652 Belfast AvConsent (Severance)
COA A-2024-0416696 Huggins StMinor Variance
COA B-2024-0197040 Garner RdConsent (Severance)
COA B-2024-0216668-6672 Hawkins StConsent (Severance)
COA A-2024-0474642 Bridge StMinor Variance
AM-2024-036 & PLOPZB202407944500 Park Street & 4200 Queen StreetZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
COA A-2024-0494531 Morrison StMinor Variance
AM-2024-0267737 Lundy's LnZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
AM-2024-0334310 Queen StZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2024-0344310 Queen StZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
AM-2024-030 & 26T-11-2024-002Lands East of Willoughby Drive on Cattell Dr, Caronpost Rd, & Weinbrenner Rd - See details in attachedZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA), Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
AM-2024-029Block A NE Corner of Garner Road & Angie DriveZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
COA - A-2024-0554650-4652 Belfast AvMinor Variance
COA - A-2021-052 & B-2024-0185464-5470 Lewis AvMinor Variance, Consent (Severance)
COA - A-2024-0504880 Willmott StMinor Variance
COA - A-2024-0513980 Montcalm CrMinor Variance
COA - B-2024-0246633 Mcleod RdConsent (Severance)
COA - B-2024-0236645 Mcleod RdConsent (Severance)
AM-2023-0326179 Lundy's LnZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
26CD-11-2024-007 & AM-2024-0196111 Carlton AvZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
AM-2024-0288055-8065 Mcleod RdZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
CoA A-2024-0464228 Huron StMinor Variance
CoA A-2024-0454030 Montrose RdMinor Variance
AM-2024-0085567 ONTARIO AV & adjacent vacant parcel to the southZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
COA -(A & B -2025-001-006)7657 Portage Rd & Roll Number: 2725 110 00100 285 Stanley AvenueMinor Variance, Consent (Severance)
AM-2024-037Vacant Parcel adjacent to 2220 STANLEY AVZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
AM-2024-0327701 Lundy's LnZoning By-law Amendment (ZBA), Official Plan Amendment (OPA)