7301 Lundy's Ln (File: AM-2023-034)

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An Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment application has been submitted to permit 68 stacked townhouses dwellings and 4 commercial units along Lundy’s Lane.

The land is designated Tourist Commercial and is within the Lundy’s Lane Satellite Tourism District in the City’s Official Plan.  The applicant is requesting to place the land under a Special Policy Area to permit a maximum density of 107 units per hectare.

The land is zoned Tourist Commercial (TC) under By-law No. 79-200. The applicant is requesting to place the land under a site specific TC zone to permit: a reduced minimum front yard depth, minimum lot area, minimum rear yard depth, minimum landscaped open space, number of parking spaces for residential dwelling units and commercial floor area, minimum width of a maneuvering aisle, and an increased maximum height, number of apartments on one lot, and permitted projections into a required yard.

Full Interactive mapping of 7301 Lundy's Ln

Application Type(s)

  • Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
  • Official Plan Amendment (OPA)

Associated Files


Mackenzie Ceci
Senior Planner, Current Planning
905-356-7521 ext. 4364

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