The City of Niagara Falls prides itself on being a safe community thanks to the highly trained men and women who provide emergency services to residents of Niagara Falls. Some of these services are delivered directly by the City and others by the Region.
This section provides you information on emergency services available to Niagara Falls residents:
Fire Department
![Niagara Falls Fire Department Logo]()
The Niagara Falls Fire Department is committed to safely protecting life, property and the environment through education, prevention and emergency response. Consisting of a state-of-the-art Fire Department consisting of 3 full-time stations and 3 volunteer stations.
Check out the Niagara Falls Fire Department page for all the info.
Niagara Regional Police Services![Niagara Regional Police Services Logo]()
The Niagara Regional Police is comprised of highly trained and motivated individuals dedicated to serving and protecting residents and visitors within the Regional Municipality of Niagara.
For details, visit the NRPS Website.
Niagara Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
![Niagara EMS Logo]()
Niagara Emergency Medical Services is made up of paramedics and emergency medical dispatchers who are committed to promoting the safety and well-being of all residents and visitors to Niagara.
The Niagara EMS website has all the information.
Niagara Parks Police Service
![Niagara Parks Police Logo]()
The Niagara Parks Police Service (NPPS) is a specialized Police Service dedicated to serving the needs of the tourism community in Niagara Parks. Responsible for the management of vehicular and pedestrian flow of traffic, maintaining the peace, ensuring the safe return of lost property to its rightful owners, the discretionary enforcement, where required, of the Criminal Code of Canada and other federal and provincial statutes.
Severe Weather and Emergencies
In the event of an emergency or severe weather conditions, please visit and monitor this page for updates as we receive them. You can also find various links to emergency preparedness, contact information and media agencies.
For details, visit the Severe Weather and Emergencies page.