6357 Progress St (Riverfront Phase 2) (File: AM-2024-027, 26T-11-2019-001)

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Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision Modification applications have been submitted to facilitate the development of 626 dwelling units, consisting of 175 detached dwellings and 451 townhouse dwellings, along with parkland,
open space, access/trail blocks, public roads, areas for environmental protection, and a stormwater management facility.

The subject lands are designated Residential, Low/Medium Density, in part, Open Space, in part, and Environmental Protection Area, in part, in accordance with the City’s Official Plan and the Riverfront Community Plan. The applicant is proposing to redesignate part of the lands that are designated Residential, Low/Medium Density to Open Space, and part of the lands designated Open Space to Residential, Low/Medium Density. No changes are proposed to the lands that are currently designated Environmental Protection Area.

The lands are zoned Residential Low Density, Group Multiple Dwelling (R4-1133) Zone, in part, Residential Low Density, Group Multiple Dwelling (R4-1134) Zone, in part, Environmental Protection Area (EPA-1136) Zone, in part, and Open Space (OS) Zone, in part, in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended by By-law No. 2020-124. The applicant is proposing to rezone the lands to a site-specific Residential Mixed (R3) Zone, in part, a new site-specific Residential Low Density, Group Multiple Dwelling (R4) Zone, in part, and a site specific Open Space (OS) Zone, in part. No changes are proposed to the existing Environmental Protection Area (EPA-1136) Zone.

The proposed modifications to the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision include reconfiguration and relocation of the roads and blocks for parkland, stormwater management and residential purposes, the addition of a block for multiple residential development, and the removal of a block for mixed-use development.

Full Interactive mapping of 6357 Progress St (Riverfront Phase 2)

Application Type(s)

  • Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
  • Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
  • Official Plan Amendment (OPA)

Upcoming Meeting

Tuesday, April 8, 2025 - 5:00 PM

Associated Files


Mackenzie Ceci
Senior Planner, Current Planning
905-356-7521 ext. 4364

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