Return to application listAn Official Plan and Rezoning Application has been submitted to permit 28 stacked townhouse dwellings with 38 parking spaces. Details of the proposal are shown in Schedule 1 of the attached.
An Official Plan Amendment is required for the increased density allowed on the site. The applicant is rezoning the property to a Residential Apartment 5D Density Zone (R5D) to allow for the use of the stack townhouses.
Also, the proposal will require relief to the regulations for the reduction of the minimum lot frontage, reduction of the minimum rear yard depth, reduction of the minimum interior side yard width, a reduction of 1 required parking space, a reduction of the minimum aisle for a parking space, a reduction of the projection of fire escape into side and rear yard and a reduction of the minimum landscaped open area.
Full Interactive mapping of Vacant Parcel adjacent to 2220 STANLEY AVApplication Type(s)
- Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
- Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
Upcoming Meeting
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 - 4:30 PM
Associated Files
Nick DeBenedetti
Planner 2
905-356-7521 ext. 4233
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