The Official Plan for the Niagara Falls Planning Area is a document with a 20 year vision outlining long term objectives and policies of the City with respect to the growth and development of urban lands, the protection of agricultural lands and the conservation of natural heritage areas; and the provision of necessary infrastructure.![Agricultural view with City background]()
New: The City is creating a new Official Plan. (New Official Plan) . Join the Conversation and stay updated at .
Secondary Plans
A Secondary Plan represents the land use vision of Council for a select area, supported by the policies of the Official Plan and the authority of the Planning Act.
More information is available on our Secondary Plans page.
Official Plan Amendments
The Official Plan is a dynamic document that is constantly updated and revised to reflect the evolving nature of the city and its environs. Amendments to the Plan can be City or privately initiated.
Recent City Initiated Amendments
OPA No. 147 - Employment Lands, adopted by Council April 18, 2023, pending Ontario Land Tribunal review.
Current Privately Initiated Amendments
The Official Plan may be amended through private applications for development proposals that are a substantive change in policy direction.
You can visit our Current Planning Applications page for information on applications currently being considered. Official Plan amendment applications can be found on our Application Forms page.