Return to application listOfficial Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications have been submitted to facilitate the redevelopment of the existing motel for a 10-storey mixed use building with at-grade commercial uses and 144 residential dwelling units above.
The subject property is designated Tourist Commercial and is located within the Lundy’s Lane Satellite District in accordance with the City of Niagara Falls Official Plan. The Tourist Commercial Designation permits commercial and residential uses and a density of 50-100 units. The Official Plan Amendment is requesting a maximum height of 10 storeys and a density of 453 units.
The property is zoned General Commercial (GC) in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200. The application proposes to rezone the property to a site-specific General Commercial (GC) zone to permit a residential parking ratio of 1.02 spaces per unit, a floor area for the dwellings units of 66% of the total floor are of the building and a maximum height of 10 storeys. Parking for the residential units will be provided below grade (147 spaces or 1.02 spaces per unit) with an additional 12 spaces at grade (1 space per 25 m2) to accommodate the at-grade commercial uses. See the attached for details of the proposal.
Full Interactive mapping of 6179 Lundy's LnApplication Type(s)
- Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
- Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
Associated Files
Chris Roome
Planner 2
905-356-7521 ext. 4246
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