Delegation Authority Meeting Schedule/Videos


All Delegated Authority Meetings are open to the public in person, in Committee Room 2 or can be watched virtually by contacting the Planning Department for the Zoom link. 

Delegated Authority Meetings will be in accordance with the City’s Procedural By-law.

Requests for Delegations to the Meeting (by any person, group of persons, firm or organization who is neither a Member of Council nor a member of City staff, and who is speaking on an item on the agenda). shall be submitted in writing to the Planning Building, and Development Department twenty-four (24) hours prior to the commencement of the Meeting.


Agendas for any upcoming Delegated Authority Meeting are typically posted to the City’s web page on the Thursday prior to the Delegated Meeting. 

The agenda may be updated after such time, prior to the meeting. 

Please check periodically for any updates on this page.


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