336681 (File: COA A-2023-048)

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The applicant is proposing to add the use, vacation rental unit, through a minor variance application to allow the existing townhouse  dwellings known as 5957-5981 Bentley Common to be used as vacation rental units. 

The subject property is zoned Residential Low Density Grouped Multiple Dwelling (R4-916) zone in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended by By-law No. 2010-131 and 2016-111, and further amended by Committee of Adjustment Decision (A-2015-042) to permit a decreased lot area per dwelling unit.

Full Interactive mapping of 336681

Application Type(s)

  • Minor Variance

Associated Files


Suzanne Anderson
Secretary-Treasurer COA
905-356-7521 ext. 4281

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