What is a Secondary Plan?
A Secondary Plan represents a land use vision for a neighbourhood or specific area identified by the City.
Secondary Plans are land use plans and policy that guide how the identified areas are intended to grow over the long-term, resulting from consultation with partner agencies, stakeholders, and community engagement. A secondary plan is developed to fit within the framework of the City’s Official Plan and conform with regional and provincial policy.
Secondary Plans provide detailed mapping of the various land use components found within an area, such as natural and environmental features, transportation networks (roads, bicycle lanes and trails), open space and parks, as well as types and density of housing, commercial, mixed uses, and employment.
Secondary Plan Engagement
Secondary planning includes robust community and stakeholder consultation throughout the entire process. Public engagement may take several different forms including stakeholder interviews, a Community Focus Group, Public Open Houses, and a statutory Public Meeting.
Our online engagement platform, Let’s Talk Niagara Falls, allows for continued access to information on the Plan’s progress including key documents and information, and serves as a portal for public input throughout the entire process. All parties making comments or participating in the engagement process will have their input considered by staff and reported to City Council prior to any recommendation on a Plan’s approval.
Secondary Plan Process
A Secondary Plan is implemented through a Planning Act process known as an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) which requires adoption from City Council for ultimate Regional and/or Provincial approval. Under Section 17 of the Planning Act, a decision of Council may be appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) for a final decision.
Approved Secondary Plans
The City has adopted four Secondary Plans to date:
Looking Forward
Niagara Falls City Council has identified that development and approval of Secondary Plans is a priority and has allocated appropriate funding and staff resources to accomplish the tasks. Council has also identified and prioritized several areas for which Secondary Plan processes will begin shortly.
Grassy Brook Secondary Plan: The City is currently working with Dillion Consulting on developing a Secondary Plan for the Grassy Brook area. More information and engagement opportunities are available on the Grassy Brook Let’s Talk page.
Greater Niagara General Hospital site and surplus MTO Lands: Secondary planning will begin shortly for the current Greater Niagara General Hospital site and surplus MTO lands in preparation for redevelopment after the hospital’s transition to the new site at Lyons Creek and the QEW. These former hospital lands are well suited to provide short-term growth potential with the available core services already in place.
Northwest Secondary Plan: At its meeting of July 11, 2023, Council authorized the commencement of the Northwest Secondary Plan, a recent urban boundary expansion area located south of Mountain Road, west of the QEW. A Community Focus Group (CFG) is being assembled and will be engaged at several points throughout the planning process. The CFG will be involved early to assist in developing a vision statement, identifying goals and objectives in addition to expressing desired priorities for the Plan Area. Details of this Secondary Plan exercise can be found on the Northwest Secondary Plan Let’s Talk Niagara Falls page.
Garner West Secondary Plan: At its meeting of July 11, 2023, Council authorized the commencement of the Garner West Secondary Plan, a recent urban boundary expansion area located south of Lundy’s Lane (RR20), between Kalar and Beechwood Roads and extending down to McLeod Road. A Community Focus Group (CFG) is being assembled and will be engaged at several points throughout the planning process. The CFG will be involved early to assist in developing a vision statement, identifying goals and objectives in addition to expressing desired priorities for the Plan Area. Details of this Secondary Plan exercise can be found on the Garner West Secondary Plan Let’s Talk Niagara Falls page.
In the future, Secondary Plans will also be developed for other urban boundary expansion areas located in the area of Biggar and Montrose Roads, and west of Kalar Road.
Planning for these areas provides valuable insight into future infrastructure and transportation planning and the future Official Plan in general.