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TypeTitleDatesRoad ClosuresDetails
Winter Storm ResponseCity of Niagara Falls2/15/2025 - 2/18/2025NoneMore Info

Public Notices



    Interim Tax Bills for all properties were mailed on Friday February 7, 2025.

    Due Dates are February 28, 2025, and April 30, 2025

    For more information, please see the attached notice or call 905-356-7521 ext 4400.


    Posting Dates

    2/13/2025 to 2/28/2025
  • Notice of Open House Meeting (AM- 2024-037) - Vacant Parcel adjacent to 2220 Stanley - Official Plan & Zoning By-Law Amendment Combined Application


    An Official Plan and Rezoning Application has been submitted to permit 28 stacked townhouse dwellings with 38 parking spaces. Details of the proposal are shown in Schedule 1 of the attached. 

    An Official Plan Amendment is required for the increased density allowed on the site. The applicant is rezoning the property to a Residential Apartment 5D Density Zone (R5D) to allow for the use of the stack townhouses.

    Also, the proposal will require relief to the regulations for the reduction of the minimum lot frontage, reduction of the minimum rear yard depth, reduction of the minimum interior side yard width, a reduction of 1 required parking space, a reduction of the minimum aisle for a parking space, a reduction of the projection of fire escape into side and rear yard and a reduction of the minimum landscaped open area.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    2/7/2025 to 3/5/2025
  • Notice of Public Committee of Adjustment Hearing (A-2024-055) - 4650-4652 Belfast Avenue - Minor Variance


    The subject property known as 4650-4652 BELFAST AV is located on the west side of Belfast Avenue between Mulhern Street and Fleming Drive. 

    The applicant is requesting the Committee of Adjustment to consider minor variances from provisions of Zoning By-law No 79-200, as amended, through a process permitted by Section 45(1) of the Planning Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13).

    The applicant is proposing to separate the semi-detached dwelling units being constructed on the subject parcel to be sold under separate ownership. The subject property is zoned Residential Two (R2) Zone in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended by Committee of Adjustment Decision A-2021-024. See details of the requested variances in the attached.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage./city-hall/planning/current-planning-applications.aspx

    Posting Dates

    2/6/2025 to 2/19/2025
  • Notice of Public Committee of Adjustment Hearing (A-2025-001, 002) (B-2025-001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006) - 7657 Portage Road, & ARN: 2725 110 00100 285 Stanley Avenue - Minor Variance & Consent


    The subject properties are known as 7657 Portage Road & 2725 110 00100 285 Stanley Avenue.

    7657 Portage Road is located on the south side of Portage Road between Stanley Avenue and Norton Street.

     2725 110 00100 285 Stanley Avenue is located on the northeast corner of Stanley Avenue and Chippawa Parkway.

    Proposal: Applications have been made for:

    ·         A partial discharge of mortgage;

    ·         To create 4 distinct parcels of land;

    ·         To establish reciprocal blanket easements across all of the lands (Part 1 – Part 4); and

    ·         To facilitate the land severances, minor variances are required for Part 1 and Part 3.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    2/4/2025 to 2/19/2025
  • Notice of Public Committee of Adjustment Hearing (A-2024-045) - 4030 Montrose Road - Minor Variance


    The subject property known as 4030 MONTROSE RD is located on the south side of Thorold Stone road between Montrose road and Queen Elizabeth Way. 

    The applicant is requesting the Committee of Adjustment to consider minor variances from provisions of Zoning By-law No 79-200, as amended, through a process permitted by Section 45(1) of the Planning Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13).

    Proposal: The applicant is proposing to add the use of a personal service shop for the purpose of a nail salon on the above noted property. The subject property is zoned Light Industrial (LI-365), in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended by By-law No. 1992-217, as amended by By-law No. 1995-53, as amended by By-law No. 1998-186.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    2/3/2025 to 2/19/2025
  • Notice of Public Committee of Adjustment Hearing (A-2024-046) - 4228 Huron Street - Minor Variance


    The subject property known as 4228 HURON ST is located on the South side of Huron Street between Zimmerman Avenue and Erie Avenue. 

    The applicant is requesting the Committee of Adjustment to consider minor variances from provisions of Zoning By-law No 79-200, as amended, through a process permitted by Section 45(1) of the Planning Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13).

    Proposal: The applicant is proposing to construct an additional dwelling unit within an accessory building within the side yard of the above noted property. The subject property is zoned Residential Two Zone (R2-747) Zone in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended by By-law No. 2006-091. See the attached for details of the variances that have been requested.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    2/3/2025 to 2/19/2025
  • Notice of Open House Meeting (AM- 2024-008) 5567 Ontario Avenue & adjacent land to the south (PID#19712 & 19713) - Official Plan & Zoning By-Law Amendment Combined Application


    An Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment application has been submitted to permit the development of a new 3 storey apartment with 11 two-bedroom dwelling units located on a vacant property adjacent to 5567 Ontario Ave. A rezoning is required to recognize the current apartment building located at 5567 Ontario Ave which includes 7 apartment dwelling units in the existing building. Both properties will be rezoned as Residential Apartment 5B Density Zone (R5B).

    An official plan amendment is required for exceeding the density requirements for both properties. Shared access provided via existing driveway located at 5567 Ontario Ave. The parking is located to the rear of apartments. An easement will be required for the shared access from 5567 Ontario Ave and for shared parking for both lots.

    The zoning departures include reduction of the minimum lot area, reduction of the minimum lot frontage, reduction of the minimum front yard depth, reduction of the minimum interior side yard width, reduction of the minimum required parking, reduction of the minimum parking stall width, reduction of the minimum maneuvering aisle width, reduction of the minimum landscape open space area and a reduction of minimum amenity space for an apartment dwelling. These departures are the same for both properties.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    1/31/2025 to 2/20/2025
  • Notice of Open House Meeting (AM- 2024-028) 8055-8065 McLeod Road - Official Plan & Zoning By-Law Amendment Combined Application


    An Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment application has been submitted to permit the development of a residential development of a ten (10) storey apartment building consisting of 112 affordable housing units. An Official Plan Amendment is required to redesignate the Subject Lands to a Site-Specific Residential designation to permit an apartment building over six (6) storeys in height.

    A Zoning By-law Amendment application is required to rezone the Subject Lands from a Transitional Residential Multiple (TRM) to a Residential Apartment 5F Density Zone with site specific provisions. The rear lands of the subject property will be rezoned to an Environmental Protection Area (EPA).

    The zoning departures include increase to the maximum height of a building, a reduction in the required parking, a reduction of the minimum landscape – open space area, and a reduction minimum amenity space for an apartment dwelling unit.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    1/31/2025 to 2/25/2025
  • Notice of Open House Meeting (26CD-11-2024-007 & AM-2024-019) 6111 Carlton Avenue - Zoning By-Law Amendment & Vacant Land Condominium Application


    Zoning By-law Amendment and Vacant Land Condominium applications have been submitted to facilitate the development of 6 townhouse dwellings and 2 semi-detached dwellings. The existing detached dwelling will remain on the existing parcel, which will be severed prior to final registration of the proposed condominium. See Attachment for details of the proposal.

    The property is zoned Residential R1E Density Zone in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200. The application proposes to rezone the property to a site-specific Residential Low Density, Grouped Multiple Dwellings Zone (R4). The future severed lands are to be rezoned to a site-specific R1E zone.

    The property is designated Residential, in accordance with the City of Niagara Falls Official Plan. The residential designation permits various residential uses and a maximum density ranging from 20-40 units per hectare for the proposed uses. This application proposes a density of 27.59 units per hectare. The Official Plan designation is not proposed to be changed as a part of this application.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    1/30/2025 to 5/14/2025
  • Notice of Construction - Whirlpool Road from Stanley Avenue. to the OPG Power Canal


    The City of Niagara Falls will be completing the road reconstruction, complete with all restorations on;

    Whirlpool Road from Stanley Avenue to the OPG Power Canal

    At times it may be difficult to drive through the above location due to construction in progress. In accordance with the contract documents, the contractor, Rankin Construction is required to notify the emergency services of their daily operations.

    The work is scheduled to commence on February 3, 2025 and will be continuous until completion, approximately June 2025 weather permitting. Equipment will start arriving on site as early as January 27, 2025.

    It is anticipated that one lane of traffic will be maintained during construction with the exception of a full road closure once construction progresses.

    For further information you may contact:


    Joe D’Agostino, C.E.T.

    Project Manager

    Municipal Works, Engineering

    City of Niagara Falls

    4310 Queen Street, P.O. Box 1023

    Niagara Falls, ON  L2E 6X5

    (905) 356-7521 ext. 4319

    [email protected]


    Posting Dates

    1/27/2025 to 6/30/2025
  • Notice of Public Meeting (AM-2024-026) 7737 Lundy's Lane - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application


    Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments have been submitted for a special policy area to increase the maximum permitted net residential density, from 100 units per hectare to 164 units per hectare. The applicant proposes to convert the existing three-storey commercial building to a mixed-use building containing a total of 118 rental dwelling units and various commercial uses. Of those 118 units, 30 units (25%) are proposed to be affordable. The proposal is located within the Built-Up Area and the Lundy’s Lane Satellite District. Residential intensification is encouraged within this District in standalone or mixed-use buildings (See attachment for more information).

    The subject lands are designated Tourist Commercial within the City’s Official Plan and zoned Tourist Commercial (TC) in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended.

    The applicant is requesting a site-specific TC zone to add dwellings units on the ground floor, to increase the total floor area of the dwelling units located in a building to a maximum of 91 % for all residential uses, to recognize a zero setback for the rear yard requirement of the existing building, and to provide a minimum parking requirement for all uses of 91 spaces.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    1/23/2025 to 2/26/2025
  • Notice of Public Meeting (AM- 2024-007) 8168 McLeod Road - Zoning By-Law Amendment Application


    A Zoning By-law amendment application has been submitted to permit 18 townhouse dwelling units in 3 blocks, together with 18 accessory dwelling units. See notice for more information on proposal.

    The subject property is currently zoned Light Industrial (LI), in accordance with Zoning By-law 79-200.  The applicant is requesting to place the townhouses under a site-specific Low-Density Group Multiple Dwellings R4 zone and add the use of accessory dwelling units. The proposal includes: a reduction of the minimum front yard depth and the addition of the Environmental Protection zone on the rear part of the lot. 

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    1/23/2025 to 2/26/2025
  • Notice of Road Closure EXTENDED - Dorchester Road and Chippawa Parkway



    Please be advised that due to ongoing infrastructure improvements along Dorchester Road and Chippawa Parkway between Stanley Avenue and Dorchester Road the current closure to through traffic will be extended until April 14, 2025.  The Road closure is to accommodate the tunnelling of the watermain and sanitary services across the CP railway crossing.

    Access to George Bukator Park can be accessed from Stanley Avenue.

    Please feel free to view updates on the City website and/or reach out to the Project Manager identified below.

    Nick Golia, C. Tech.

    Senior Project Manager - Development

    Municipal Works - Engineering

    4310 Queen Street

    Niagara Falls, ON    L2E 6X5

    905-356-7521 ext. 4290

    [email protected]


      Posting Dates

      12/3/2024 to 4/14/2025
    • Notice of Commencement - Portage Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation


      Niagara Region is carrying out the preliminary and detailed design of improvements to the Portage Trunk Sewer, located in the City of Niagara Falls.

      The Portage Trunk Sewer is located along a hydro corridor between the rear yards of Sheldon Street and Darcy Crescent / Maplewood Avenue. Sewage is discharged from the Kalar Road Sewage Pumping Station into the trunk sewer at an access chamber located south of the rear fence line at 6606 Sheldon Street. The sewer continues eastward for approximately 1.3 kilometers before discharging to the Stamford Interceptor and ultimately the Niagara Falls Wastewater Treatment Plant.

      The detailed design is anticipated to be completed by winter 2025.

      Visit the project webpage at for further details as the design progresses. 

      Any questions about this project should be directed to:

      Robert Stret, P.Eng. PMP
      Project Manager, Water and Wastewater Engineering
      Niagara Region
      905-980-6000 ext. 3190
      [email protected]

      Patrick Moskwa
      Project Manager
      Robinson Consultants
      905-304-0080 ext. 225
      [email protected]


        Posting Dates

        7/4/2024 to 12/31/2025
      • QEW Burlington Skyway Southbound Lane Structural Rehabilitations & NB and SB Electrical Work (GWP 2385-15-00)


        The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has retained WSP Canada Inc. (WSP) to undertake the Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study (Class EA) for the structural rehabilitations of the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) Burlington Skyway southbound lane and the completion of electrical work on both the northbound and southbound QEW, within the City of Hamilton
        and the City of Burlington.

        The Burlington Skyway Niagara Bound structure will be rehabilitated in three main stages with all four lanes maintained during daytime and nightly lane closures as required. During each stage there will be single lane closures on the QEW throughout the weekends (Friday Night to Monday morning, approximately eight weekends per construction season) to rehabilitate the middle portions of the deck. Three lanes will be maintained over the Skyway structure during these weekend lane closures. Construction is expected to last for 3 years, and is anticipated to start in Spring 2024 with completion by Fall 2026.

        Please note that is also a great resource for travel, construction/maintenance closures and activities on the provincial highways.

        If you wish to obtain additional information or provide comments, please contact one of the Project Team members listed below:

        Ben Hui, P.Eng., M. Eng.

        Senior Project Manager - WSP Canada Inc.

        6925 Cenury Ave, Floor 6,

        Mississauga, ON L5N 7K2

        Tel: 289-835-2506

        e-mail: [email protected]

        Alice Kam. P.Eng

        Senior Project Manager

        Ontario Ministry of Transportation

        159 Sir William Hearst Ave. 4th Floor

        Downsview, ON M3M 0B7

        Tel: 437-227-5587

        e-mail: [email protected]


          Posting Dates

          10/23/2023 to 10/23/2026