A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is a tool municipalities can use to support revitalization and redevelopment efforts in specific areas by offering programs such as grants, loans, and other incentives to encourage property improvements and community enhancements. Under Section 28 of the Planning Act, the City can designate certain areas for community improvement. With an improved CIP in place, property owners in these areas may be eligible for grants or loans to help cover the costs of improvements to their properties.
Approved Community Improvement Plans
We have 5 approved CIPs, each with specific guidelines and financial incentives for physical, economic and environmental improvements within the Plan area.
- Downtown Community Improvement Plan
- Historic Drummondville Community Improvement Plan
- Lundy's Lane Community Improvement Plan
- City-Wide Brownfields Community Improvement Plan
- Niagara Gateway Economic Zone Community Improvement Plan
CIP extensions
The City’s CIPs were initially adopted for a 10-year period, which City Council has extended until October 1, 2025. This extension applies to the Downtown, Historic Drummondville, Lundy’s Lane and City-wide Brownfields CIPs. For more details on the extension and updates to the incentive programs, you can read:
Regional participation
The City’s CIP incentives were originally designed to include participation from the Niagara Region. As of October 1, 2024, certain incentive programs are no longer receiving a matching grant from the Region, and the total eligible grants noted in the application guides may be affected.
Please contact us to confirm the total amount of grants you may be eligible for regarding your particular application. All incentives are subject to available funding.
Downtown Community Improvement Plan
![Downtown CIP Area Boundary]()
Plan and location
Application guides
Revitalization Grant
To provide financial incentives to help offset the increased property taxes that result from the rehabilitation of downtown residential and commercial properties.
To provide a 0% interest loan to promote the conversion of non-residential buildings to residential use; upgrade of existing residential buildings to meet Building Code, Fire Code and Property Standards By-law; and construction of residential units on vacant properties. Please note: The Niagara Region is no longer participating in this program. Please contact us to confirm the total amount of grants you may be eligible for regarding your particular application. All incentives are subject to available funding.
Historic Drummondville Community Improvement Plan
This Plan encourages redevelopment and private sector investment in the creation of new residential units and the rehabilitation of commercial buildings.
![Historic Drummondville CIP Area Boundary]()
Plan and location
Application guides
To promote the restoration and improvement of the facades of commercial and mixed use buildings, and promote the maintenance and physical improvement of existing buildings and properties.
Please note: the Niagara Region is no longer participating in this program. Please contact us to confirm the total amount of grants you may be eligible for regarding your particular application. All incentives are subject to available funding.
To provide a financial incentive to help offset the increased property taxes resulting from rehabilitating residential and commercial properties.
To provide a 0% interest loan to promote the conversion of non-residential buildings to residential use; upgrade of existing residential buildings to meet Building Code, Fire Code and Property Standards By-law; and construction of residential units on vacant properties.
Please note: the Niagara Region is no longer participating in this program. Please contact us to confirm the total amount of grants you may be eligible for regarding your particular application. All incentives are subject to available funding.
Lundy's Lane Community Improvement Plan
This Plan encourages redevelopment and private sector investment in the creation of new residential units and the rehabilitation of commercial buildings.
![Lundy's Lane CIP Boundary]()
Application Guides
To promote building rehabilitation and facade improvement of existing commercial and mixed-use (commercial/residential) buildings.
Please note: the Niagara Region is no longer participating in this program. Please contact us to confirm the total amount of grants you may be eligible for regarding your particular application. All incentives are subject to available funding.
To provide a financial incentive through a grant to promote the conversion of existing vacant spaces or existing uses to new, more viable commercial uses.
To provide a financial incentive to help offset the increased property taxes that result from rehabilitating, redeveloping or developing buildings and properties.
City Wide Brownfield Community Improvement Plan
This CIP supports studying and cleaning up old industrial properties that might be contaminated to prepare them for redevelopment.
![Brownfield CIP Area Boundary]()
Plan and location
Application Guides:
A grant to help offset the cost of conducting a Phase II Environmental Assessment, Remedial Work Plan, and/or Risk Assessments/Risk Management Plans.
Please note: the Niagara Region is no longer participating in this program. Please contact us to confirm the total amount of grants you may be eligible for regarding your particular application. All incentives are subject to available funding.
To provide a financial incentive in the form of a freeze of property taxes for up to 5 years to help offset the costs of remediation and to provide a financial incentive in the form of an annual grant for up to 10 years after the Tax Assistance Program ends to offset the costs of remediation and redevelopment.
Niagara Gateway Economic Zone Community Improvement Plan
Development Charge exemptions for CIP
The City exempts Residential Development Charges for projects within the CIP boundary areas and offers additional exemptions under Policy #700.41.
Visit the Development Charges webpage for more information.
CIP review
The City is currently reviewing our CIP Programs as directed by City Council to align with evolving community needs and Council’s strategic priorities. This review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of existing programs and develop a new CIP framework focused on four key areas: affordable housing, economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, and intensification. Public and stakeholder feedback will play a vital role in shaping these priorities and ensuring the updated programs address local challenges effectively. For more information, please refer to the full report: Community Improvement Plan Review PBD-2024-39 (PDF).
Contact us
For more information, please contact:
Planning Department
905-356-7521 ext. 4330
[email protected]
Business Development
905-356-7521, ext. 5000
[email protected]