4257 Montrose Rd (File: AM-2023-025)

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A Zoning By-law amendment application has been submitted to facilitate the development of 10 block townhouse dwellings in 2 blocks. Schedule 1 and 2 shows the details of the proposal.

The property is designated Residential in the City’s Official Plan. The lands are currently zoned Residential Apartment 5B Density (R5B-630) zone in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended.

The applicant is requesting to rezone the lands to a site-specific Residential Low Density, Group Multiple Density (R4) zone to allow for a reduced front yard depth, reduced rear yard depth, reduced interior side yard width, reduced privacy yard depth, an increase in the lot coverage, an increase of the projection for a one-storey porch into a required privacy yard and to permit the projection of a roofed over one-storey porch into a required side yard.

A future Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium will be required to facilitate the sale of the units.

Full Interactive mapping of 4257 Montrose Rd

Application Type(s)

  • Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)

Upcoming Meeting

Tuesday, October 1, 2024 - 4:30 PM

Associated Files


Nick DeBenedetti
Planner 2
905-356-7521 ext. 4233

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