Return to application listAn Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision Modification application has been submitted to facilitate the development of 632 dwelling units, consisting of 175 detached dwellings and 457 townhouse dwellings, along with parkland, trails, environmental protection areas and a stormwater management facility.
The subject lands are designated Residential, Low/Medium Density, in part, Open Space, in part, and Environmental Protection Area, in part, in accordance with the City’s Official Plan and the Riverfront Community Plan. The applicant is proposing to redesignate part of the lands that are designated Residential, Low/Medium Density to Open Space, and part of the lands designated Open Space to Residential, Low/Medium Density. No changes are proposed to the lands that are currently designated Environmental Protection Area.
The lands are zoned Residential Low Density, Group Multiple Dwelling (R4-1133) Zone, in part, Residential Low Density, Group Multiple Dwelling (R4-1134) Zone, in part, Environmental Protection Area (EPA-1136) Zone, in part, and Open Space (OS) Zone, in part, in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended by By-law No. 2020-124. The applicant is proposing to rezone the lands to a site-specific Residential Mixed (R3) Zone, in part, a new site-specific Residential Low Density, Group Multiple Dwelling (R4) Zone, in part, and a site-specific Open Space (OS) Zone, in part. No changes are proposed to the existing Environmental Protection Area (EPA-1136) Zone.
The proposed modifications to the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision include reconfiguration and relocation of the roads and blocks for parkland, stormwater management and residential purposes, the addition of a block for multiple residential development, and the removal of a block for mixed-use development.
Full Interactive mapping of 6357 Progress StApplication Type(s)
- Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
- Plan of Subdivision/Condominium
- Official Plan Amendment (OPA)
Associated Files
- Open House Notice
- Updated Air Quality, Noise and Vibration Assessment
- Street Townhouse Renderings, Elevations, Floor Plans (4)
- Supplemental Environmental Considerations
- Thundering Waters Secondary Plan Environmental Impact Study & Characterization (Dougan & Associates)
- Traffic Impact Study Update
- Trail Connection Plan
- Tree Preservation Plan Update
- Tree Saving Plan
- Typical Lot - Back-to-Back Towns
- Typical Lot - Single Detached
- Typical Lot - Street Towns
- Planning Justification Report
- Restoration Plan Summary - May 15, 2024
- Singles Renderings, Elevations, Floor Plans (1)
- Singles Renderings, Elevations, Floor Plans (2)
- Stacked Townhouse Renderings (1)
- Stage 1 & 2 Archeological Assessment
- Stage 1 & 2 Ministry Acknowledgement
- Street Townhouse Renderings, Elevations, Floor Plans (1)
- Street Townhouse Renderings, Elevations, Floor Plans (2)
- Street Townhouse Renderings, Elevations, Floor Plans (3)
- Draft Reference Plan Riverfront Area
- Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
- Ecological Summary Letter (GEI Consultants) - July 29, 2024
- Environmental Considerations - Soil Characterization
- Environmental Impact Study (Savanta) - Riverfront Community OPA - September, 2017
- Functional Servicing Report and Stormwater Management Plan
- Land Contamination Screening
- Letter of Reliance
- Parkland Dedication Calculation Plan
- Phasing Plan
- Addendum to Environmental Impact Study (GEI Consultants) - July 2021
- Addendum to Environmental Impact Study (GEI Consultants) - June 2021
- Addendum to Environmental Impact Study (Savanta) - December 2019
- Addendum to Environmental Impact Study (Savanta) - January 2019
- Addendum to Environmental Impact Study (Savanta) - Riverfront Community OPA - March 2018
- Back-to-Back Townhouse Renderings
- Block 225 Site Plan
- Cross Sections
- Draft Official Plan Amendment
- Draft Plan of Subdivision
Mackenzie Ceci
Senior Planner, Current Planning
905-356-7521 ext. 4364
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