8055-8065 Mcleod Rd (File: AM-2024-028)

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An Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment application has been submitted to permit the development of a residential development of a ten (10) storey apartment building consisting of 112 affordable housing units. An Official Plan Amendment is required to redesignate the Subject Lands to a Site-Specific Residential designation to permit an apartment building over six (6) storeys in height.

A Zoning By-law Amendment application is required to rezone the Subject Lands from a Transitional Residential Multiple (TRM) to a Residential Apartment 5F Density Zone with site specific provisions. The rear lands of the subject property will be rezoned to an Environmental Protection Area (EPA).

The zoning departures include increase to the maximum height of a building, a reduction in the required parking, a reduction of the minimum landscape – open space area, and a reduction minimum amenity space for an apartment dwelling unit.

Full Interactive mapping of 8055-8065 Mcleod Rd

Application Type(s)

  • Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)
  • Official Plan Amendment (OPA)

Upcoming Meeting

Monday, February 24, 2025 - 4:30 PM

Associated Files


Nick DeBenedetti
Planner 2
905-356-7521 ext. 4233

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