Official Plan Amendment No. 125 for the Niagara Falls GO Station Secondary Plan was adopted by the City and subsequently approved by the Niagara Region on June 14, 2018 and is now in effect. The Secondary Plan has been added to Part 5, Section 2 of the Official Plan.
The extension of daily GO Transit service to Niagara has been envisioned since the completion of the 2011 GO Transit Environmental Study Report: Niagara Rail Service Expansion. In 2016 the Province announced that daily service would be extended through Niagara with service starting in Niagara Falls in 2023. Prior to this announcement and in anticipation of the expansion, Niagara Region, in collaboration with its respective lower tier partners, initiated in 2015 a series of secondary plan studies for each of the station locations: Grimsby, Lincoln, St. Catharines and Niagara Falls. ![GO Transit Station Secondary Plan Area]()
The Secondary Plan is proposed as an amendment to the Official Plan. The Plan provides policies respecting land use, transportation and municipal infrastructure improvements, urban design and implementation tools.
Notice of Adoption