Tree Responsibility
If half or more of a tree is on the road allowance (that portion of the property owned by the Municipality) the City accepts responsibility for the tree, but if less than half of the tree is on the road allowance, the tree is considered to be on private property. No trees on Private property will be removed or trimmed by City forces.
Tree Trimming
The City will routinely coordinate block trimming in a manner that allows mass trimming per subdivision. If municipal trees in your area require attention, let us know through our reporting form.
Leaves from Trees
The City of Niagara Falls will not collect leaves from trees. Leaves must be collected and placed in a yard waste bag for the Niagara Region to collect. More information about leaves and recycling can be found at the Niagara Region Website.
City Tree Removal Request
To maintain our current tree canopy, the City of Niagara Falls will not remove a tree unless the tree is in poor condition. However, we understand certain circumstances may require the removal of trees, to formally request the removal start by completing a removal request application.
The application to remove a tree must be accompanied by an application fee of $125.00. The application cost is for processing only and does not guarantee approval to have the tree removed. Upon review and processing of the application, the City Forestry Supervisor will assess and determine whether approved or not, in either case, the applicant will be advised of the outcome. If denied, the application fee is not reimbursed. If approved, further information and steps will be provided directly by the Forestry Supervisor. Trees approved for removal require the homeowner to pay the cost of removal, accompanied by a $1,200 contribution for a 2:1 replanting elsewhere as per Forestry Policy 314.01.