5901 - 6009 BENTLEY CM (excluding 5957-5981) See images in attached for more info. (File: AM-2024-023)

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A Minor Zoning By-law Amendment application has been submitted to permit Vacation Rental Units (VRUs) on the subject lands (5901-6009 Bentley Common). The subject lands are designated Minor Commercial within the City of Niagara Falls Official Plan.

The subject lands are currently zoned Residential Low Density Grouped Multiple Dwelling (R3-916) Zone, as amended by By-law Nos. 2010-131 and 2016-111. In February of 2024, the Committee of Adjustment approved a Minor Variance application to allow 7 of the 34 townhouse dwellings (5957-5981 Bentley Common) to be used as VRUs in addition to the existing residential uses. The current Minor Zoning By-law Amendment application (AM-2024-023) proposes to extend this use for the remaining 27 townhouse dwellings so that all 34 townhouse dwellings may be used as VRUs, as shown in the attached.

Full Interactive mapping of 5901 - 6009 BENTLEY CM (excluding 5957-5981) See images in attached for more info.

Application Type(s)

  • Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA)

Upcoming Meeting

Thursday, October 3, 2024 - 4:30 PM

Associated Files


Tyler Galloway
Planner 1
905-356-7521 ext. 4282

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