Local Utilities

 Below is a list of the local utilities that service Niagara Falls and their contact information.


City of Niagara Falls

4310 Queen Street
Niagara Falls, Ontario
Website: Water Information
Email: [email protected]


Niagara Peninsula Energy
7447 Pin Oak Drive P.O. Box 120
Niagara Falls, Ontario
L2E 6S9
Phone: 905-356-2681
Fax: 905-356-0118
Website: www.npei.ca
E-mail: [email protected]

Natural Gas

Enbridge Inc.
P.O. Box 1051 Thorold, Ontario
L2V 5A8
Various telephone and fax numbers exist. The recommended option is to view the Enbridge Contact Page to select a number.  
Website: www.enbridge.com