Official Plan Amendment

An amendment to the Official Plan may be submitted by a property owner to consider a project that isn't currently considered. The City can also initiate an amendment to be consistent with new Provincial policies or to address city-wide issues.  This process helps the City adapt to new ideas and needs while making sure changes align with the community's long-term goals. The plan keeps evolving because the City or residents can request amendments at any time. 

When you might need an Official Plan amendment

You might need an Official Plan Amendment if you want to:

  • Use your property for something that isn’t currently allowed
  • Change how your property is designated in the plan
  • Adjust specific rules, like building height or density

Because zoning rules are based on the Official Plan, you may also need a Zoning By-law Amendment. You can apply for both at the same time, and the City will review them together.

How to apply for an Official Plan amendment

Step 1:  Pre-consultation

It is highly suggested that you attend a pre-consultation meeting before applying. You can book your meeting on through the CityView portal or contact a City Planner for details.

Step 2:  Submit your application

Apply online through your City Dashboard account and include the following:

  • Valid pre-consultation form or checklist
  • Site Plan with zoning chart and site statistics (see application form for details)
  • Digital .DWG file(s) of the Site Plan (per Appendix B)
  • Planning Justification Report by a Registered Professional Planner
  • Floor plans and building elevations
  • Deed and PIN register
  • Supporting studies, plans, and materials as per the pre-consultation checklist.
  • Application fees for:
  • Other forms and documentation listed on the application form (Appendices A and C)

How to post public notice signs about your application

It is the responsibility of the applicant to post a Public Notice Sign(s) about the Official Plan Amendment application being proposed. The sign must be installed following the City’s Public Notice Sign Policy, the Planning Act and any other City standards.

Official Plan Application Process

Official Plan Application 

Time to Process (to decision): 120 Days

StepCity's RoleApplicants RoleTarget Timeline

City Staff, any required agencies and an applicant will review a preliminary development proposal, discuss the nature of the proposal, any development and planning issues, the need for additional information, and the planning approvals process.

The City will provide the applicant a pre-consultation form/checklist identifying what approvals, studies, information, materials, and fees are required to proceed with a formal application. 

Applicant completes pre-consultation process3 weeks
Application Submission--Applicant submits:
  • Formal application
  • Studies and plans
-Reviews files (i.e., names, unlocked status) --2 days
---Applicant pays required fees1 day
-Planner assigned to file--1 day
Review for CompletenessPlanner reviews material issues notice of complete/incomplete application.--1 week
Circulation (When Complete)Planner circulates to internal departments and external agencies. Comments are consolidated and provided to Applicant.--2 weeks
Open HouseHeld to inform and receive comments from area residents.Applicant or agent attends to present and answer questions.Occurs 2 weeks after notice is given to residents.
Public MeetingHeld to inform and receive comments from area residents and Council.Applicant or their agent attends to present and answer questions.Occurs 30 days after notice is given in accordance with Council’s schedule.
-Recommendation report is on Council’s agenda. Council will make a decision on the application.----
Final ApprovalBy-law to adopt Official Plan Amendment proceeds to Council, if directed.--Occurs in accordance with Council’s schedule—typically the next Council meeting.
-Notice of Adoption given by Planner.--1 Week
-If no appeals, Declaration Notice given by Planner.--20 days after Notice of Passing

Current amendments

Secondary Plans

Secondary Plans are implemented through Official Plan amendments. They provide more detailed policies for specific areas of Niagara Falls.
