
What is Pre-Consultation?

Pre-consultation provides an opportunity for an applicant, City Staff, and any required agencies to review a preliminary development proposal, discuss the nature of the proposal, development and planning issues, the need for additional information, and the planning approvals process. Pre-consultation generally occurs by way of a meeting but may also occur by email circulation (when appropriate).   

A pre-consultation form / checklist, identifying what approvals, studies, plans, information, materials, and fees are required to proceed with a formal application, will be provided to the applicant after the pre-consultation meeting or email circulation.

When is Pre-Consultation Required?

Pre-consultation is required in advance of submitting the following development applications:

  • Official Plan Amendment
  • Zoning By-law Amendment
  • Plan of Subdivision
  • Plan of Condominium
  • Site Plan Approval
  • Consent / Severance

Please contact a City Planner if you have questions about whether pre-consultation is required.

Applying for Pre-Consultation

Pre-consultation meetings are scheduled in the afternoon of the first and third Thursday of each month, and on a first come, first served basis.

Application Submission Requirements:

Please apply through the CityView portal.

  • Conceptual sketch / Site Plan with zoning matrix / site statistics (see request / application form for detailed sketch requirements)
  • All required application fees to:

Pre-Consultation Application Process

Pre-Consultation Application

Time to Process: 3 Weeks 


City's Role

Applicants Role

Target Timeline

Application Submission


Applicant submits:

  • formal application
  • detailed sketch


Reviews files (i.e., names, unlocked status)


2 days


Applicant pays required fees

Assigned to Planner


Review for Completeness

Planner reviews for completeness.


2 days

Agenda Preparation  (When Complete) 

Planner schedules meeting. Applicant is sent Zoom link to confirm day/time.


Varies depending on Pre-consultation schedule (twice monthly- 1st and 3rd Thursday afternoons)


Planner chairs meeting requesting input from internal departments and agencies.

Applicant attends to present proposal and answer questions.

Typically scheduled within 2 weeks.

Planner sends pre-consultation meeting notes signed by Planner (Region and NPCA, if applicable)


1 week


Applicant signs pre-consultation meeting notes and sends back to Planner to complete process.
