
Pre-consultation is a chance for applicants to meet with city staff and any agencies required to review a development idea. It’s a time to talk about the proposal, address planning or development issues, discuss what information might be needed, and learn about the approval process. It is highly recommended that applicants attend a pre-consultation meeting.

When do you need a pre-consultation?

Either a pre-consultation meeting or an email circulation (when appropriate) is recommended before submitting these types of development applications:

  • Official Plan Amendment
  • Zoning By-law Amendment
  • Plan of Subdivision
  • Plan of Condominium
  • Site Plan Approval
  • Consent/Severance

If you’re unsure whether pre-consultation is needed, contact a City Planner for guidance.

How to book a pre-consultation

Pre-consultation meetings are scheduled in the afternoon of the first and third Thursday of each month.  Spaces are on a first-come, first-served basis.

Submit your pre-consultation application

Apply online through your City Dashboard Account and include the following:

  • A conceptual sketch or site plan with zoning matrix and site statistics (see the application form for detailed sketch requirements).
  • All required fees paid to:

After the meeting (or email circulation), the applicant will receive a pre-consultation form or checklist that lists the required approvals, studies, plans, information, materials, and fees to move forward with a formal application.  You will need this checklist as part of your development application.