Deeming By-Law

What is a Deeming By-law?

A Deeming By-law deems land to no longer be part of a registered Plan of Subdivision.

The Plan of Subdivision needs to be registered at least eight years before a Deeming By-law application can be made.

It can be used to merge lots from old Plans of Subdivision that do not meet zoning standards.

When is a Deeming By-law Required?

A Deeming By-law is required to facilitate:

  • The ability of two or more lots/blocks within a registered Plan of Subdivision to merge in title under the same owner.
  • Construction of a building on one parcel of consolidated land.

Please contact a Planner in the Planning Department to confirm if a Deeming By-law will be required to facilitate your proposed development.

Applying for a Deeming By-law

Application Submission Requirements:

  • A letter requesting a Deeming By-law.
  • Deed/PIN register
  • Registered Plan of Subdivision
  • All required application fees to:

Deeming By-law Process

Deeming By-law Application

Time to Process Application (to decision): 3-4 Weeks

StepCity's RoleApplicants RoleTarget Timeline
Application Submission--Submits:
  • formal application
  • 59R plan
  • PIN register
-Reviews files (i.e., names, unlocked status) --2 days
---Pays required fees--
-Assigned to Planner----
Review for CompletenessPlanner reviews for completeness. Confirms Lot/Block within a Plan of Subdivision registered 8 years or more.--1 day
Circulation (When Complete)

Planner circulates to internal departments.

**If resulting merge will not conform to Zoning By-law, a minor variance or zoning by-law amendment required prior to being brought forward to Council.

--1 week
Council MeetingMemo and by-law presented for approval.--1 week, scheduling will be determined by Council's schedule.
-Decision letter sent by Planner.--1 day
Registration--Pays registration fee to Legal Services.--
-Legal Services registers by-law on title.--1 day