Applications for the various Committees have closed. Council will make their committee member selections at the next Council meeting, February 28, 2023. Applicants will be notified soon after.
Accessibility Advisory Committee Application
At the City of Niagara Falls, we value accessibility, and look to provide accessible options with all our services. It is our mission to educate the public, and increase barrier-free accessibility in our community for the benefit of residents and visitors alike.
For more information about the Committee, including when they hold their meetings, please visit the Accessibility Advisory Committee page.
Anti-Racism Committee Application
The Anti-Racism Committee will provide recommendations, advice, and information to the Mayor, City Council, and Senior Staff.
For more information about the Committee, including when they hold their meetings, please visit the Anti-Racism Committee page.
Committee of Adjustment Application
The Committee of Adjustment holds public meetings and makes decisions on minor variances, consents (severances, boundary adjustments, easements, leases, partial discharge of mortgage or charge) and extensions/enlargements to legal non-conforming uses.
For more information about the Committee, including when they hold their meetings, please visit the Committee of Adjustment page.
Culture Committee Application
As an appointed body of volunteers, the Culture Committee will assist City staff in creating a dynamic and vibrant City. The committee will assist in the development of policies and plans; will act as an advocate for arts, culture, and heritage providers throughout the community and will provide informed perspectives on arts, culture, and heritage related matters in the City.
For more information about the Committee, including when they hold their meetings, please visit the Culture Committee page.
Diversity and Inclusion Committee Application
Joining the Coalition and working actively towards our ten (10) commitments, would be beneficial to help build respectful, inclusive and diverse societies, and to positively impact newcomers, immigrants, refugees, Indigenous peoples, visible minorities, people with disabilities, and the LGBTQ2S+ community
For more information about the Committee, including when they hold their meetings, please visit the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee page.
Environmental Action Committee Application
The Committee’s mandate is to encourage environmental responsibility, city wide beautification, promote recreation and active transportation usage and civic pride through community action. The Committee advises City Council on issues regarding its mandate.
For more information about the Committee, including when they hold their meetings, please visit the Environmental Action Committee page.
Heritage Committee Application
The Municipal Heritage Committee is an advisory body to Niagara Falls City Council which advises on matters under the Ontario Heritage Act.
For more information about the Committee, including when they hold their meetings, please visit the Heritage Committee page.
Property Standards and Dangerous Dog Committee Application
The Committee hears appeals from an owner, occupant or other person, who is not satisfied with the terms or conditions of a Property Standards Order. The City’s Property Standards By-law prescribes standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property within the municipality.
For more information about the Committee, including when they hold their meetings, please visit Committees page.
Recreation Committee Application
The recreation committee's purpose is to foster and develop recreation opportunities to enhance individual wellbeing, community wellbeing, and the wellbeing of our built and natural environments.
For more information about the Committee, including when they hold their meetings, please visit the Recreation Committee page.
Seniors Advisory Committee Application
To serve in an advisory capacity to City Council and staff on matters that impact the quality of life of seniors (60 years plus) in the City of Niagara Falls.
For more information about the Committee, including when they hold their meetings, please visit the Seniors Advisory Committee page.