Municipal Heritage Committee

Heritage Month Lecture Series

The Niagara Falls Heritage Committee invites you to attend the Heritage Month Lecture Series. Join us on Saturday, February 22, from 1 pm to 3 pm at the Niagara Falls History Museum for a free afternoon of lectures presented by the owners of two historic Niagara properties.

Heritage Committee Lecture Series graphic

Committee Duties

  • maintains a Register of Municipal Heritage Properties which have architectural, historical and cultural heritage value;Stone Column
  • assists in promoting the designation of individual properties under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act;
  • assists in the administration of the Designated Property Grant Program to advance the restoration of original architectural details; and
  • works with owners of heritage properties to advise on appropriate improvements to restore the heritage attributes of the property.

About the Committee

The Municipal Heritage Committee consists of 8 members of the public appointed by City Council. The Committee meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month, unless otherwise scheduled by the Chairperson.


The Municipal Heritage Committee is an advisory body to Niagara Falls City Council which advises on matters under the Ontario Heritage Act.

Contact the Committee

Council Committee members for the 2022-2026 term:

  • Mark Iamarino (Chair)

  • Jamie Jones (Co-Chair)

  • Councillor Lori Lococo 

  • Bruno (Sam) Carrera

  • Christian Lloyd Bell

  • Cindy Mokry

  • Darren Schmahl

  • David Vida

  • David Servos

Municipal Heritage Committee Staff Liason:

Julie Hannah at [email protected]

(905) 356-7521, ext. 4107.

View the Committee Meeting Schedule Page for details on when the committee meets.


Have you ever wondered if your home may be a heritage home?

The Municipal Heritage Committee can help you determine the answer to that question. They work with the Ontario Heritage Act and specifically, Regulation 9/06 which sets out criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest. A property may be designated under s.29 of the Ontario Heritage Act if it meets one or more of the following criteria:

  • Design or Physical Value
  • Historical or Associative Value
  • Contextual Value

You can view the Municipal Heritage Register for information about some of the properties, pictures and location maps.

Old House

Designation Process

Once a property is suggested for designation, background research is conducted to verify that the property meets one or more of the criteria as set out in Regulation 9/06 of the Ontario Heritage Act. As part of the process, a historical report is compiled for the property which sets out the origins of the property and details of the previous owners. The report also describes the property and the architectural features that are contained in the buildings and structures on the property.  You can view the flowchart for the Designation Process for more information.

A designating by-law is drafted and contains a Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest. This lists the various heritage attributes of the property. Heritage attributes are the features of the property, not always architectural, that are considered most important to be preserved and serve to guide the future restoration, alteration or preservation of the property.

Public Notice of the Intention to Designate a property is issued under the direction of City Council and there is a 30-day appeal period during which time anyone can object to the designation. The property owner and Ontario Heritage Trust are notified by Registered mail of the intention to designate. If no objections are received, the Designating By-law is passed by Council and then registered on title to the property.

The Ontario Heritage Trust and the owner are notified by Registered mail that the property has been designated.

Designated Property Grant Program

Historic HandleThe Designated Property Grant program is a grant program for designated property owners to assist in the costs for restoration, alteration and preservation of properties that the City has deemed worthy of preservation. The program operates on a 1/2 - 1/2 cost share basis. The owner, after obtaining approval from the City for the project, is required to fund the costs up front and then apply to the City for a grant which will refund up to one-half of the cost of the project, to a maximum of $5,000. Applications are sent out to all designated property owners near the end of January or early February with a deadline for submission usually the first part of May. Once all applications are received, the Committee reviews them and meets with the owners and makes a recommendation to Council for the final approval. Once Council approves the project, the work can begin.

Heritage Recognition Awards Program

The Heritage Recognition Awards Program recognizes individuals or organizations that have helped enhance the quality of life in Niagara Falls through the preservation, restoration and rehabilitation of the heritage of our community.