Sign Permit

Sign By-law 

Sign By-law 2021-24 was approved by Council on February 9, 2021. The Sign By-law prohibits or regulates the placing or erecting of signs, notices, and advertising devices on public and private property within the City of Niagara Falls.

Sign Permit Application


Payment is required at time of application.

Sign Type2025 Permit FeePerformance Security DepositTotal
Signs Under 10m2$232.00$0$232.00
Signs 10m2 or more$361.00$0$361.00

Debit or cash payment can be made in-person at the Building Department at 4343 Morrison Street.  Cheques made payable to the City of Niagara Falls can be received in-person or by mail. Please indicate the address of the sign permit on the cheque.  Credit card payment is not accepted.

An application for a Sign Permit should be submitted to the Building Department where it is checked for completeness and compliance with the Sign By-law and other regulatory agencies. 

Examples of other regulatory agencies include but are not limited to; Niagara Escarpment Commission, Niagara Parks Commission, Niagara Peninsula Energy/Ontario Hydro, Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, Regional Municipality of Niagara, Ministry of Transportation and other Ministries.  It is recommended that all necessary approvals be completed prior to applying for a building permit, since they may delay or prevent permit issuance.

If the Sign Permit application is not accepted, due to non-compliance with the regulations of the Sign By-law, a minor variance may be considered.

Sign By-law Variance and Amendment

Minor variances and amendments to the Sign By-law are administered by the Planning & Development Department. Contact [email protected] or 905-356-7521 ext. 4330.

Minor Variance to the Sign By-law

Sign By-law Amendment 

Should the relief from the Sign By-law not be "minor" in nature, an amendment to the Sign By-law may be considered.