Construction projects can be noisy and disruptive, but a little consideration can go a long way in maintaining good relationships with your neighbours. Good neighbours build strong communities and make construction projects smoother for everyone!
Communicate with your neighbours
Let your neighbours know about your construction project before it begins. Share the start and end dates, working hours, and what they can expect. A quick chat can make a big difference.
If a neighbour raises a concern, listen and try to find a solution. A respectful response can prevent small issues from turning into bigger ones.
Manage dust and debris on construction sites
- Collect and remove waste regularly to keep the site safe and prevent it from becoming an eyesore.
- Remove mud and debris tracked onto city streets and sidewalks. Hose down trucks before they leave the site so dirt is not tracked down the road.
- Failure to keep your site clean may result in fines under City by-laws.
Report a dust issue: To report dust or debris from construction sites or subdivision development, contact Building Inspection at 905-356-7521 ext. 4251/4285 or [email protected].
Do not damage public or private property
- Protect adjacent properties from damage from your construction operations. Disputes about damages between neighbouring properties are civil matters.
- If city infrastructure like curbs, sidewalks and boulevards are damaged due to your project, you may be responsible for the cost to repair or replace it.
- Protect trees by keeping construction equipment and dirt piles away.
Dumpsters and construction bins
- Road Occupancy Permits: You will need a Road Occupancy Permit if you want to request to use city property that is beyond your property line to place bins or equipment. Visit our Road Occupancy Permit page for information on how to apply.
- Cover bins for safety and avoid lighter materials blowing out on windy days onto surrounding properties.
Construction fencing/hoarding
- Temporary construction fencing can be erected to enclose the construction site or demolition projects under a building permit. Find out if these requirements apply to your project.
Minimize noise and stick to permitted hours of work
- Review the Noise By-law to ensure your construction activities are only during permitted times. Construction equipment cannot be operated between 7 p.m. one day to 7 a.m. the next day and 9 a.m. on weekends and statutory holidays.
- Even during periods when construction is allowed, noise levels should be minimized as much as possible out of consideration for neighbours.
Report a noise issue: To report noise by-law issues, contact Municipal By-law Enforcement Services by email or call 905-356-7521 ext. 8000.
Post your building permit
- If your project falls under a building permit, then you must post the permit visibly at the site.
Utility locates - Ontario One Call
If you plan to dig, you must submit a utility locate request. This applies to any digging project, whether you're putting in a pool, putting up a fence, or planting a tree.
- Ontario One Call is a free service that helps locate underground utilities like gas lines, water pipes, and electrical cables. Contacting them before you dig is not just smart—it’s the law in Ontario.
- You or the contractor doing the work can submit a locate request online at Submit the request at least five business days before you plan to dig.
Overhead hydro lines and underground electrical
- Before applying for a building permit, ensure minimum setbacks from hydro lines are met. Approvals from Niagara Peninsula Energy may be required in advance.
- Equipment must be mindful of overhead hydro lines during construction.
- Visit Niagara Peninsula Energy for information on overhead and underground clearances.