6565 Lundy's Lane - Parcel 15423
- Legal DescriptionPLAN 02 LOTS 45, 46, 48, 65, PT LOTS 44, 47, 49, 64, 66, 67; PT MAITLAND ST
- Property Area6,415.42
- Property Frontage55.81
- Property Depth92.66
- CommunityDrummond
- NeighbourhoodLeeming
- Road JurisdictionRegional Municipality Of Niagara
- Roadway Planning ClassArterial Road
- Speed Limit50 km/hr
- Zoning By-law79-200
- Zoning SummaryGeneral Commercial Zone - Bylaw 2007-197 With Special Provision 19.1.795
- Official Plan Land UseResidential
Tourist Commercial
Official Plan - Community Improvement Plan AreaLundy's Lane Improvement Area
- Tourist DistrictLundy's Lane
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