Interactive Mapping

Street and Addresses

Use our Address Finder to locate a valid street address in Niagara Falls and display the location map.

We also have a Street and Address Master List available in PDF format available for download.

City of Niagara Falls Viewer

The City of Niagara Falls offers a comprehensive Interactive Mapping system, called the Falls Viewer for visitors to look at. Each Mapping "View" contains different layers of information pertaining to our City. Residents can view different reports on property and assets listed.

We recommend viewing the Informative Videos available on the Falls Viewer to familiarize yourself with the system and the various functions. You can do this by clicking on the green question mark icon located at the top right corner of the Falls Viewer screen.

Interactive Mapping View List

  • Arts, Culture & Tourism (arts, culture, tourism, recreation, cemetery/genealogy...)
  • Business & Economy (CIPs, by-laws, transit routes, communications, analysis...)
  • Community (community services, care and education, medical, recreation, culture...)
  • Development (Capital Projects, business licenses, development applications...)
  • Environment (woodlands, parks/trails, water courses and watersheds, elevation...)
  • Health & Safety (emergency services, medical services, detour routes...)
  • Imagery (Aerial photography of the City of Niagara Falls from  2000 to most current)
  • Land Regulation (zoning, official plan, planning related boundaries and areas...)
  • Local Government (maintenance routes, improvement plans, election polls, boundaries, statistics...)
  • Location (address points, intersections, community boundaries, lots and concessions, parks...)

Looking for more information about the City's GIS Services or have a question about the Fallsviewer interactive mapping site? Want to provide feedback or give a suggestion? Please contact us at, we're here to help you!