The outdoor rinks operate seasonally, weather permitting. These outdoor rinks require a period of time of constant temperatures of -10 celsius or colder to remain frozen and safe. These outdoor rinks are not monitored. Proceed with caution when utilizing. Please note, the outdoor rinks are maintained by volunteers.
We offer natural outdoor ice rinks at several locations throughout the city for skating and pick-up hockey. You can view these locations by clicking the links below or you can view our Winter Recreation map.
We are always looking for volunteers to help maintain our outdoor rinks seasonally. If you live within walking distance of an outdoor rink and have some spare time and energy to help shovel snow off the ice rink and to flood the ice as needed, then consider volunteering. The City provides volunteers with water access, hoses, nozzles, and some training to create good quality ice throughout the winter.
Online Volunteer Application
Have a question about our outdoor rinks? Contact:
Jeff Guarasci - Community Development Coordinator
Phone: 905-356-7521 Ext. 3341
Please help us keep our parks clean, safe and enjoyable. For maintenance concerns please call the Municipal Service Centre at 905-356-1355.
- This is a free, public use facility. Please have respect for each other.
- There is risk associated with the activities of skating and playing hockey. Persons who use this ice surface do so at their own risk.
- Outdoor rinks are natural and therefore can be uneven, users are encouraged to survey ice surface prior to use.
- The skating rink will be closed on days of inclement weather or if poor ice conditions exist.
- Helmets and protective safety gear are strongly recommended.
- Children should be supervised.
- Food, drinks, glass objects, and pets are not allowed on the ice.
- Smoking/vaping, alcohol, and drugs are not allowed on or near the ice.
- Rink is open daily dawn to dusk.
Learn more about our RZone policy on violence, vandalism, or other inappropriate behaviour at our parks and other recreation sites.
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