Rodent Prevention and Control

Rodent Prevention and Control


Whether you own property or rent, live or work in the City of Niagara Falls, everyone has a role in rodent prevention. Rodent proofing your home and property is the most important factor.

For information and tips on how to help prevent and control rodent infestation please visit the Government of Canada website.

Are you experiencing rodents inside your home?  Contact Niagara Region Public Health at 905-356-1538.

Pest Control Responsibilities

Pest control on private property is the owner's responsibility.  Contact a licensed pest control company if you need professional services.  Visit for local pest control service providers.

Residential Rodent Control Rebate Program

The program assists residential property owners who are experiencing rodent infestation in their yard with the cost of professional extermination. Residential property owners who hire the services of an Ontario licensed pest control exterminator are eligible for one rebate once per year.  The maximum eligible rebate is 50% of the total bill up to a maximum of $200 for rodent pest control services to the exterior property only.

STEP 1: Read the forms

STEP 2:  Complete the forms

  • Please read all the terms, conditions and instructions on the Application.
  • Retain your original bill of service that was provided in the current calendar year (rebates are not retroactive).
  • Complete and sign the Application Form and have your licensed Contractor complete and sign the Contractor Information Form. The property owner must sign both forms.
  • Talk to your Contractor before the bill is prepared to ensure it contains all necessary information. Including the service address, and clearly notes what portion of the service was to the exterior yard only.  Pest control services provided to the interior of the home is not eligible. Keep a copy of the bill for your records.
  • The City will not accept applications for pest control products purchased by the property owner at retail outlets for their own application.

STEP 3:  Submit Forms

Submit both the Residential Rodent Control Rebate Form and the Contractor Information Form with the receipt/bill.  Submit by mail, in-person or by email.  

City of Niagara Falls
Municipal Bylaw Enforcement Services
7150 Montrose Road
Niagara Falls, ON   L2H 3N3

STEP 4:  Application Review

  • Once approved the rebate cheque will be issued to the property owner only. Allow 30 days for processing.
  • If denied, we will provide you with the reasons why.
  • A Municipal Bylaw Enforcement Officer may attend to assess the exterior yard for evidence of infestation or property standards violations. 

QUESTIONS?  Contact Municipal Bylaw Enforcement Services at 905-356-7521 ext. 8000 or

Property Standards By-Law

The City of Niagara Falls Property Standards By-Law No. 2015-101 outlines responsibilities in section 2.4 Pest Prevention.

  • Keep buildings free of conditions that would cause an infestation. This includes ensuring all windows and openings are screened properly so pests can't get in.
  • Pest control methods must follow the rules of law such as the Environmental Protection Act and the Pesticides Act.

CONTACT: If you feel a property is in disrepair or has garbage and debris which could attract rats, please contact Municipal Bylaw Enforcement Services at 905-356-7521 ext. 8000 or

Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities

The Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 protects tenants and helps landlords.  The Landlord and Tenant Board helps to resolve landlord and tenant disputes including landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities under the Act.

A landlord is responsible to make sure that the property is kept in a good state of repair, is fit to live in and meets all the health and safety standards that apply.  However, both the landlord and tenant have responsibilities when it comes to fixing the problem. The landlord may have to arrange to treat the unit for pests and the tenant may have to do some work in the unit to prepare for these treatments.

A tenant experiencing problems with pests should talk to their landlord, superintendent or property manager immediately. The tenant should ask them in writing to fix the problem and keep a copy of this letter for themself. The landlord will need to fix the problem within a reasonable time.  If the landlord does not fix the problem the tenant may:

  • Contact Niagara Falls Municipal Enforcement Services regarding applicable By-laws at 905-356-7521 ext. 8000 or
  • File an application about maintenance (form T6) with the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB). The LTB will then schedule a hearing where both the landlord and tenant can provide evidence about the problem.  If an order to fix the problem has been received and the landlord is not following the order the tenant can contact the Rental Housing Enforcement Unit.

If the landlord is trying to fix the problem and the tenant is refusing to cooperate the landlord can provide the tenant with a 7 day notice to cooperate before ending the tenancy. If the tenant still does not cooperate with efforts to treat the pest problem the landlord can file an application with the LTB to evict the tenant.

Please contact the Landlord Tenant Board for more information.