Toilet Retrofit Program
In the past, residents of Niagara Falls were offered an incentive/rebate toward the purchase of high efficiency toilets. Please check the Toilet Retrofit page periodically to get current information about this program.
Plastic Bottles
On February 23, 2009, Frank Fohr of Environmental Action Committee and representatives of the Mayor's Youth Advisory Committee addressed City Council and provided the following deputations:
Water Bottle Council Presentation Speech
Following some discussion and debate, Niagara Falls City Council voted unanimously to approve the following recommendations:
- That the City of Niagara Falls eliminate the sale of plastic beverage bottles at City owned facilities, municipal buildings, and recreation facilities and parks effective May 1, 2009.
- That staff develop a recommended implementation plan to increase the access to, and the availability of municipal water through public drinking fountains in municipal indoor and outdoor facilities, and outline the costs in the 2009 capital budget for the consideration of Council.
A complete copy of the R-2009-06 Plastic Water Bottle Update can be viewed online.
Plastic Straws & Plastic Stir Sticks
“We led the way as one of the first municipalities in Canada to establish a single-use plastic bottle ban and this is one more step to level-up our environmental responsibility! Thank you to our committed volunteer committees, the Mayor’s Youth Advisory and The Environmental Action Committee for looking ahead and leading us in the right direction!”
- Jim Diodati, Mayor
On April 9, 2019, Niagara Falls City Council unanimously approved the following recommendations:
- That the City of Niagara Falls eliminate the use and distribution of plastic straws and plastic stir sticks in all City owned facilities and at City events to complement the existing plastic beverage bottle ban.
- That staff develop and recommend an implementation plan with input from stakeholders.
- That staff create and implement an educational component to support the ban and raise awareness regarding reduction of all single use plastics.
The report R-2019-05 Elimination of Plastic Straws ans Stir Sticks in City Facilities can viewed online.
Blue Communities
![Blue Communities Project]()
On April 24th, 2012, Council motioned for the City of Niagara Falls to become a “Blue Community”. Robyn Hamlyn, a 13 year old from Kingston addressed Council on the topic. A “blue community” is one that adopts a water commons framework by taking three actions. A water commons framework treats water as belonging to no one, and the responsibility of all. Because water is central to human activity, it must be governed by principles that allow for reasonable use, equal distribution and responsible treatment in order to preserve water for nature and future generations.
The Blue Communities Project calls on communities to adopt a water commons framework by:
- Recognizing water as a human right.
- Promoting publicly financed, owned and operated water and waste water services.
- Banning the sale of bottled water in public facilities and at municipal events.
Weeping-tile Removal Assistance Program
![WRAP Logo]()
The City of Niagara Falls is committed to the implementation of a Weeping-tile Removal Assistance Program (WRAP). The purpose of the WRAP program is to disconnect weeping-tile from the sanitary sewer. Visit the WRAP page for information about the program.
Renewable Energy
Under Ontario's Green Energy initiatives: the Green Energy Act and Renewable Energy Approvals, the Province has paved the way for quicker development of renewable energy projects. Renewable energy projects are no longer subject to municipal land use planning documents under the Planning Act such as zoning or official plan approvals. Depending on the size of your renewable energy project you may be exempt from the requirements of a Renewable Energy Approval from the Ministry of the Environment. Find out about the requirements in Niagara Falls for renewable energy.
Earth Hour/Day/Week
![Caring For Our Environment Tree]()
Residents are inspired to be more environmentally conscience, and take action to reduce the environmental footprint of their school or workplace. The purpose of Earth Week is to teach people simple strategies to conserve energy and participate in environmental conservation and demonstrate how easy it is to conserve energy without causing any inconveniences. The City of Niagara Falls encourages residents to participate in activities that create a healthier environment, setting an example for the next generation. View the Earth Hour/Day/Week information.
Bee City Designation
In 2018, the City of Niagara Falls became the 13th city in Canada to be designated a bee city. Recent efforts of have been made by City staff and the Environmental Action Committee to warrant such a designation. Acres of pollinator gardens have been installed at Firemen's Park and Fairview Cemetery through partnerships and grant opportunities. The committee led another pollinator garden installation at Patrick Cumming Park in 2019. An extension to the existing pollinator garden at Firemen's Park was part of the Mother Earth Day event in 2021. Additional gardens were planned in partnership with the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) in 2020 near the Drummond Hill Cemetery. These native wild flower gardens will attract pollinators that are crucial to our existing food network.