Is there an artwork you are most proud of? Why?
It's so hard to choose because I can see growth in different areas in so many pieces! I'd probably have to say my painting "Sweet Tooth". I nailed the colour and form of each individual piece of candy. And not that external validation should mean anything, but I did get a lot of compliments on that piece so I must’ve done something right!
What inspires you?
I tend to lean into the things that bring me joy since my art creation is all about stress release. Animals (especially dogs), bright and bold colours, food, song lyrics, and my favourite TV shows can all be found in my work. I am also inspired by social justice movements. Oh, and sass. Lots and lots of sass.
What is your most important artist tool?
I’m a pretty bare-bones artist. I don’t even use an easel! So I’d have to say, good lighting since most of my painting time is in the evenings. Have you ever tried mixing paint colours or stitching in the dark? It’s not a fun experience. A good light bulb makes a world of difference.

How did you start making art?
Long story short, after learning to sew and then embroider in order to fill a creative need in my life, I became known as the “artsy” School to Community teacher. Eventually, I sort of fell into a visual arts position and in order to become a better educator I figured I need to get my crap together and fast! I took as many art courses as I could and really took to acrylic painting.
Do you have any artistic projects coming up?
I do! I’m currently working on a painting series of dogs in Halloween costumes called “Spooky pups”. I’m hoping to start releasing the first batch for the series on my Instagram soon. I will also be in the Niagara Artists Centre's virtual small feats show, Feminist Space Camp Magazine's issue XI, and Blue Crow Gallery's summer group show.
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @carleemctavish.art