Truth and Reconciliation

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Indigenous Land Acknowledgement

With the aim of educating our community and acknowledging the many land treaties that overlay the City of Niagara Falls and Niagara Region, we acknowledge and thank the Indigenous peoples who were stewards of this land for a millennia before us. 

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - September 30th

The Government of Canada “responded to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s call to action # 80 by creating a day of observation called the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which seeks to honour First Nations, Inuit and Métis Survivors, their families, and communities, and to ensure that public commemoration of their history and the legacy of residential schools remains a vital component of the reconciliation process.” 

Canada’s federal government enacted legislation on June 3rd, 2021, that established that each year, on September 30th, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation would be observed. National Truth & Reconciliation Day coincides with Orange Shirt Day, a grassroots movement in recognition of Phyllis Webstad, a residential school survivor.

Empathic Traditions - Niagara's Indigenous Legacy  

The Niagara Region was a place of awe and wonder for the Indigenous peoples who first walked this land. Their ancestors' footsteps arrived approximately 13,000 years ago as the melting glaciers retreated northward, revealing the Great Lakes of Erie and Ontario and the mighty Niagara River while giving genesis to an environment rich with life.

In this exhibition, Empathic Traditions: Niagara's Indigenous Legacy, objects selected from the Indigenous collections of the Niagara Falls History Museum reveal the presence of Indigenous peoples, their art and history in the region, extending back hundreds of generations up to the present day. Vivid imagery of the artifacts combined with interpretive information help us understand what life was like for those who first arrived.

By examining projectile points, stone tools, pottery shards, jewelry, and other ancient creations, as well as historic and contemporary items, we learn about the cultural connections Indigenous peoples developed with nature and their relationships with Europeans. We learn how the necessity of survival required the design of useful tools, how function influenced form, and how form created objects of great beauty. If nature is aesthetically pleasing and inspirational, then Niagara Falls must be considered a muse of epic proportion. From the first human encounter with the mighty cataracts, artful interpretation ensued.

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City of Niagara Falls Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee Resources

Visit committee page to learn more.

Truth and Reconciliation Resources

Residential School Recognition

September 30th - Every Child Matters Orange Shirt Day

September 30th is Orange Shirt Day, a time when Canadians across the country will be wearing orange to raise awareness of the tragic legacy of residential schools, and to honour the thousands of survivors.  

Orange Shirt Day was inspired by the story of Phyllis (Jack) Webstad, a residential school survivor. At the age of 6, Phyllis went to the St. Joseph Mission Indian Residential School wearing the bright-orange shirt bought by her grandmother. She said she felt "bright and exciting", just like her shirt. But on the first day of school, her new shirt was forcibly taken from her, along with her dignity.  This story is one of the many examples of harm that was inflicted upon the self-esteem and well-being of children who were forced to attend residential schools. Today, we acknowledge the denial of the rights and the wrongdoings of the past, and the present-day impacts across generations, including the trauma carried by survivors and their families.

Learning about the impacts that it has had on generations of Indigenous families, languages, and cultures, lies at the heart of reconciliation between Indigenous peoples who attended these schools, their families and communities, and all Canadians.

City of Niagara Falls residents are encouraged to come together in a spirit of reconciliation and hope to honour the Indigenous children stolen from their families and forced to attend these residential schools, by wearing the colour orange on September 30.

Learn about this movement, the woman behind it, and her orange shirt story:

Opportunities to Donate

The Legacy of Hope Foundation

This foundation is an Indigenous-led charity that works to educate and raise awareness about the history and ongoing impacts of the residential school system. Part of the LHF's goals are to provide needed resources for schools and to prevent the spread of misinformation. Donate to the Legacy of Hope Foundation.

The Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack Fund

This fund continues Gord Downie's commitment to improving the lives of First Peoples in Canada. The fund works to build awareness, and education on the true history of Indigenous people in Canada, the history of Residential Schools, and encourages reconciliation through events and programming.  Donate to the Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack Fund.

The Indian Residential School Survivor Society (IRSSS)

The IRSSS is an organization out of British Columbia that provides essential services to residential school survivors, their families, and those dealing with Intergenerational traumas. Donate to the IRSSS.

Residential Schools Awareness & Resources:

A National Residential School Crisis Line has also been set up to provide support to former students. This 24-Hour Crisis Line can be accessed at: 1-866-925-4419.

Events and Resources

Indigenous Culture in the Niagara Region

Indigenous Niagara: Heritage and Legacy Tour

Immerse yourself in the rich history and teachings of Indigenous cultures through an exciting new guided tour experience. This tour delves into the significance of treaties and highlights the vital role played by First Nations Allies during the War of 1812. There are tours geared for student groups, general interest groups, conference groups and more – contact [email protected] for more information.

Landscape of Nations: A Cultural & Historic Journey

The Landscape of Nations is a living memorial dedicated to the contributions and sacrifices made by Six Nations and Native Allies on Queenston Heights and equally important, throughout the War of 1812.

Indigenous Organizations in Niagara

Learn about the different Indigenous organizations in Niagara and check out the programs and services they offer. You can also sign up for their newsletters and attend local events.