
Willow's Rest Natural / Green Burial Section Featured in BAO's Beyond Magazine

Bi-annually, the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO),  releases "Beyond", an all-digital, sector and family-focused magazine providing useful and interesting stories about the bereavement care industry and why it matters to you. In the most recent edition, Niagara Falls Cemetery Services, specifically Willow's Rest Green / Natural Burial Section in Fairview Cemetery, was featured and included interviews with Mark Richardson, Manager of Cemetery Services, JP Narbonne, Supervisor of Cemetery Services and Chris DirRaddo, Restoration Ecologist with Sassafras Farms.  

Willow's Rest - Niagara's Green Burial Section

Pavillion at Willow's Rest Green Burial Section"Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another." Ernest Hemmingway

The City of Niagara Falls Cemetery Services is proud to announce the development of Niagara's first Green/Natural Burial Section, Willow's Rest at Fairview Cemetery. This beautiful, two-acre wildflower meadow surrounded by trees, allows families to select an earth-friendly alternative when making their end-of-life plans.

"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all." - Emily Dickenson

Cemeteries are a testament to a city’s rich heritage and help to maintain and preserve local history. Niagara Falls Cemeteries are no exception. The City of Niagara Falls currently administers, operates and maintains twenty cemeteries throughout the urban and rural municipality.

Often noted as some of the most beautiful and well kept cemeteries in North America, the City of Niagara Falls Cemetery Services takes exceptional pride in their work. For additional information on available services, visit the Cemetery Services section.

Cemetery Locations

Fairview and Lundy's Lane cemeteries are the largest and most active, while Drummond Hill has the most historical significance and also remains semi-active. Several cemeteries currently maintained by the Cemetery Services were originally identified as abandoned pioneer farms and church yards.

In an ongoing effort to provide exceptional service and maintain historically accurate information, Cemetery staff continues to search for information related to the original owners and names of the deceased buried in the pioneer cemeteries. Should you or someone you know have old records or related information, please contact Cemetery Services at Fairview Cemetery at 905-354-4721 or by visiting the Contact page.

Location and Contact

Cemetery Services is a division of the Municipal Works Department. The Cemetery Office is located at Fairview Cemetery (Stanley Avenue & Morrison Street) and can be accessed easily from the main entrance on Stanley Avenue (across from Maple St.). You can also view the map illustrating the location of the Fairview Cemetery Offices.  The phone number at Fairview is 905-354-4721.

Hours of Operation

Cemetery Services offices are open at 4501 Stanley Avenue (Fairview Cemetery):

  • Monday – Friday from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Cemetery Gardening Services

Cemetery marker with well manicured shrubsThe City of Niagara Falls Cemetery Services strongly encourages those looking for help in designing, planting and maintaining an "Approved"  gardens (i.e. within the guidelines of Cemetery By-Laws), to contact one of the following organizations:

Plots of Love, www.plotsoflove.ca, Erica Davidson (Founder), by phone: 365-880-5683 or by email: [email protected]  

Cemetery Gardening Angels, www.gardeningangels.ca or contact the Brain Injury Community Re-Entry (Niagara) Inc. offices at 905 687 6788 extension 704

By-Law Infractions – Overgrown Trees, Shrubs, etc.

Example of an overgrown burial with shrubs that cover the marker The City of Niagara Falls is responsible for the appearance, safety, and maintenance of all municipally owned, operated and/or managed cemeteries. Cemetery By-Laws are in place to assist the City in meeting its responsibilities and provide guidelines to interment rights holders and their families. By-Laws provide standards and restrictions that allow Cemetery Services Staff to provide a safe environment for visitors and workers, optimal care in the maintenance and
operation procedures, and clearly outline expectations and rules with fairness to all families in mind. 

  • Cemetery Services By Law 2021-13 Schedules B and C provides the Monument and Marker Procedures and Regulations, and the Flower Bed Standards and Regulations including, but not limited to, the following:
  • Wooden crosses are only allowed on a temporary basis of up to one (1) year and must not exceed the height and width of the allowed Monument for the applicable Plot.
  • Statues may only be placed at the sides of a Monument and must be secured to the base.
  • Statues shall be constructed of bronze, Kozmolux or a similar non-deteriorating material.
  • Flat Marker Sections and Flat Markers Over Top of Graves - plant material, potted plants and ornamental structures of any kind are not permitted around flat markers.
  • Only borders made of natural stone or concrete, measuring no higher than three inches (3in.) above the ground, will be allowed to enclose a flower bed.
  • Bushes, shrubs or trees are not permitted on lots. All plant material must not exceed three feet (3 ft.) high nor extend past the flower bed dimensions, at maturity. Rose bushes, or thorny plants, of any kind are not permitted.
  • Wreaths and/or seasonal decorations must then be removed annually no later than April 1st. Those not removed by April 1st will be removed and disposed of by the City without notification.
  • Lot decorations that are considered to be a safety hazard to the public, including but not limited to wire and/or plastic fencing, oversized and falling shepherd hooks, thorny shrubs, ornamental stones and rocks, etc., will be removed without notice to the interment rights holder.

A copy of Cemetery By-Laws 2021-13 can accessed here Cemetery By-laws 

Licenced by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO)

Licenced Cemetery Operator

Licence No. 32889290
Bereavement Authority of Ontario