Swimming Certification Courses

Lifeguards and Swim Instructors are highly skilled and trained individuals. The skills you learn in Lifeguard Certification courses include communication, teamwork, responsibility and conflict resolution.  The City of Niagara Falls certifies Lifeguards and Swim Instructors through the Lifesaving Society, a nationally recognized certification program. 

Winter and Spring 2025 Program Registration is open now.

Steps to becoming a Lifeguard and Swimming Instructor

  1. Bronze Star (optional, prerequisite: none) Cost - $135.00

    Course Dates and Times - Monday 5:30 - 7:00pm - January 6th - March 3rd OR

                                                    Monday 5:30 - 7:00pm - March 17th - May 12th

            Develop swimming proficiency, lifesaving skill and personal fitness through refining your stroke mechanics, self-rescue skills and applying fitness principles in training workouts.  

2. Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid (prerequisite: 13 years old or completed Bronze Star) Cost - $155.00

       Course Dates and Times -  Sunday 9:00am - 1:00pm March 16th - April 13th OR

                                                  - Tuesday 4:30 - 7:00pm - March 18th - May 20th

        Challenges candidate both mentally and physically by teaching the four components of Water Rescue - Judgment, Knowledge, Skill and Fitness. Candidates acquire the assessment and problem-solving skills needed to make good decisions in, on and around the water.  Register here - Bronze Medallion Registration

3. Bronze Cross (prerequisite: Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid) Cost - $155.00

Course Dates and Times -Tuesday 4:30 - 7:00pm - January 7th - March 4th OR

                                       - Wednesday 4:30 - 7:00pm - March 19th - May 21st

  1. Candidates begin to understand the transition of being a lifesaver to becoming a lifeguard as it prepares candidates for responsibilities as an assistant lifeguard.  Candidates strengthen and expand their lifesaving skills through teamwork, communication and learning new lifeguarding techniques.

    Register here - Bronze Cross Registration

    4. National Lifeguard - (prerequisite: 15 years old, Bronze Cross and Standard First Aid Award) - $315.00

    Course Dates and Times - Fri 5:00 - 9:00pm, Sat/Sun 9:00-6:00pm - January 24/25/26 and February 7/8/9 OR

                                           - Sunday 9:00am - 6:00pm - April 6th - May 11th

    Candidates develop a sound understanding of lifeguarding principles, good judgment and a mature and responsible attitude toward the role of the lifeguard. The course develops the basic lifeguarding skills, principles and decision-making processes that will assist the lifeguard to evaluate and adapt in an aquatics emergency.  

  1. National Lifeguard Recertification (prerequisite: National Lifeguard Pool) - $90.00

    Course Dates and Times - Sunday, February 23rd - 4:30pm - 8:30pm OR

                                                   Sunday, May 11th - 9:00am - 1:00pm

  1. The National Lifeguard recertification course is offered to candidates who are in need of recertifying their awards to continue working as lifeguards. The exam will consist of physicals, a short review and lifeguard situations

    Lifesaving Society Swim for Life Instructor - $225.00 (prerequisite: 15 years old, Bronze Cross)

    Course Dates and Times -   Tuesday 4:30 - 8:30pm - February 4th - March 4th OR

                                                    Friday, April 25th 5pm - 9pm, Saturday, April 26th 9am - 5pm and Sunday, April 27th 9am - 5pm

        Candidates are prepared to teach and evaluate basic swim strokes and related skills. They learn proven teaching methods, a variety of skill development drills and correction techniques. This certification allows candidates to teach the Swim for Life Program.

  1. Lifesaving Society Lifesaving Instructor - $225.00 (prerequisite: 15 years old, Bronze Cross)

    Course Dates and times -not offered this session

    Candidates are prepared to teach and evaluate basic swim strokes and related skills. This Certification allows candidates to teach Canadian Swim Patrol, Bronze Family Awards and Emergency First Aid Courses.

  2. Lifesaving Society Standard First Aid with CPR-C - (prerequisite: 13 years old) - $125.00

    Course Dates and Times - Saturday/Sunday 9:00am - 5:00pm -   March 29th/30th OR June 7th/8th

    Candidates learn all aspects of First Aid and CPR including legal implications of first aid treatment, spinal injuries, heat or cold injuries, bone and joint injuries, chest injuries and medical emergencies. Includes CPR-C Certification.

  3. Lifesaving Society Standard First Aid with CPR-C Recertification (prerequisite: Lifesaving Society Standard First Aid Certification dated no less than three years of the certification date) - $90.00

    Course Dates and Times  - Saturday, April 5th 9:00am - 5:00 pm OR Sunday, June 15th 9:00am - 5:00pm

    Candidates learn all aspects of First Aid and CPR and review the skills taught from their original certification.  The Ontario Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) specifies that Standard First Aid (SFA) award holders may recertify just once on a SFA recertification course. To renew a SFA certification subsequently, you are required to repeat the full course. Thereafter, you may renew by alternating recertifications and original courses.  If your SFA certification is older than three years, you are required to take the full course (not a recert) again. Holders of Standard First Aid certificates must recertify only with the original certifying agency. Check your Lifesaving Society qualifications using Find a Member before you attend your Standard First Aid recertification to make sure you meet the requirement.