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Geographic Information Systems
About GIS
Address Finder
Interactive Mapping
Property Pages
Started using OpenAI's ChatGPT as a tool to assist with query scripting and proofing correspondence.
Retirement of Janet Vittie, founder of City's GIS department
Remodel of core road centreline layer dataset to support Next Generation 911
GIS database support for Asset Management Plans development
Major upgrades to the ESRI server hardware and software systems
ArcGIS Pro adopted as the main GIS desktop interface
Custom GIS Application development for citizen engagement including
Spooky Awards
Sparkle Awards
Custom GIS Application development for internal staff
Development of the new Open Data Hub
Conversion of main GIS platform from Manifold to ESRI
Set-Up of live and development server configurations
Creation of a user authentication security portal - Arc Portal
Creation of new and improved Internet Mapping Services (IMS) using Geocortex
Data transformations using FME data integration platform
Mapping projection conversion of spatial data (NAD 83 to CSRS)
Application conversion and financial reporting from Cemetery 2000 to Stone Orchard
TES\TransPlan - Traffic Engineering Software upgrade to include Sign Inventory
Traffic accident reporting coordination with Region\NRPS
Cartegraph OMS - Asset Management application update
Implementation of further Asset Inventories and Maintenance Management System
Street Tree Inventory
Street Light and Pole, Traffic Signal inventories
Mobile Device - Field Data application development
Water\Waste Water\Storm input standards and best practices
CAD update to collection subscription and integration to ESRI
GIS becomes part of the Development Application Review process
Corporate Addressing Policy, and Land Transfer Deed update process for ownership
Bell 911 compatibility review for addressing - Next Gen compliance
Emergency Management and Disaster Relief programs and support
Symposium fire dispatch and Fire House incident tracking upgrades
Municipal Connect and Addressing updates with MPAC
Geomatics Niagara Information Advisory Group initiatives
GNIAG - Special Data Acquisition Group - Ortho Imagery project 2018
Development of a web service for the inventory of Parks & Trails and their amenities
Public Art Inventory, and creation of a web service to promote Arts & Culture
Web applications for Awards and Special Events
Developed a service to promote and support Business Development
Open Data initiatives and Privacy Legislation
Partner in Contemporary Water Course Mapping project with Region and NPCA
TES - Traffic Engineering Software upgrade
Utility mapping enhancements - Gas, Hydro, Rail
Integration CAD and SQL spatial
Conversion to SQL Spatial for enhanced performance
Integration of Google Street View within the Internet Mapping Service
Bell 911 compatibility review for addressing - PERS compliance
Participation in multiple Open Data initiatives and user groups
Open Data Launch with integrated MetaData
Geomatics Niagara Information Advisory Group initiatives
GNIAG - Special Data Acquisition Group - Ortho Imagery project
Enhancement of Internet Mapping Service layers and WEB content
Property Database and Civic Addressing By-law and Procedures
Water/Waste Water/Storm input standards and best practices
Implementation of Asset Inventories and Maintenance Management System
Implementation of Sidewalk Inspection System
Zoning By-Law Consolidation and Official Plan updates
Transit Review and Data Integration Project - Clever Devices - Sched 21
Document Management System for Maps and Drawings
Fire Services, Station Study and Emergency Operations Centre exercises and Emergency Management Plan
ESRI Community Maps Program contributor
Update to GPS technology allowing for more field data collection opportunities
Revision of internal databases that keeps pace with current usage needs of staff
Mentoring role with the Niagara College G.I.S. Diploma program
Automation of cemetery mapping and imagery
Integration with Automatic Vehicle Locating (AVL) systems and Road Patrol Programs
Integration of IMS and Asset Management System
New Internet Mapping Service – Falls Viewer
Implementation of Work Request system for Operations - Cartegraph
Implementation of multiple Asset Inventories and application development - Cartegraph
Creation of Citizen Library
Capital Assets - Public Service Accounting Board PSAB reporting
Corporate Property database and Supplementary application built in house
Integration with new Fire dispatch system - Symposium
Test site for local assessment office (MPAC)
City Facility database and application
Emergency Operations Centre preparedness and Incident Management System Training
Established region wide Data Standards, and User Groups
Ortho Imagery shared resources projects
Continued involvement with MISA, GITA, URISA, GISCI
Concluded region wide Internet Portal technical requirements
Participation in Niagara College student internships
Conversion of main GIS from ArcInfo to Manifold
Conversion of large databases from Oracle to SQL Server
IMS replacement to eliminate IE dependence and plugin requirements
GIS Integration to Licence and Permit System - Land Manager
Genealogy search tool creation
Integration and WEB enabling of the system for cemeteries - Cem 2000
Subdivision and Site Plan mapping and procedure development
Inclusion of Reference Plans in property information
Integration to Fire dispatch system - CriSys
Completion of on-line Heritage inventory and development of Culture Sites and Cultural Landscapes inventory with links to Library services
Interactive application development for Road Closures, New Developments, Parks
Automated system for consultant support requests and access to drawings
Development of on-line Business Directory
Partnership established with NPCA for watershed and floodplain mapping
Partnership established with local school boards for data exchange
Connect Niagara/GeoSmart - region wide Internet Portal and associated applications
Transfer of remaining GIS staff from Planning to Information Systems
Renewed focus on procedures, metadata, data standards and data stewards
Development of data sharing agreements and corporate procedures
Deletion of mapping service fees
Introduction of Map Guide and Cold Fusion products for GIS Intranet service
Introduction of Oracle for large databases and Access for smaller data sets
Standard GIS file format modified from proprietary format to shapefile (.shp)
Ortho-photography introduced to support GIS graphics
GIS Administration is moved out of Planning and into Information Systems
Upgraded GIS software from PC ArcInfo to ArcGIS platform
Implementation of MIDS standard for Infrastructure data
Partner with St Catharines for Maintenance Management System and Intranet viewer
Creation of 4 digital Zoning By Laws in anticipation of By Law review process
Creation of Development Proposal Sites for land promotion purposes
Purchase of ArcCAD and AutoCAD Map products for better compatibility
Development of Maintenance procedures and Standards for data entry
Addition of Green Space mapping, an Accommodations/Attractions inventory, and Public Buildings locator
Cross-departmental use of GIS display materials and analysis functions
Participation in K-12 GIS program and BEC (Business Education Council) partnerships between schools and business
Participation in Teacher Internship and Women in Business programs
Partnership with Niagara College to support their GIS post-graduate program through guest lectures, and student work placements
Continued incorporation of GIS into regular Planning procedures and staffing
Conversion of database formats from Info to dBase
Conversion of mapping datum from NAD 27 to NAD83
Internal partnerships formed to produce a digital Corporate Base Map
Development of "Environmental Request Letters" (Phase 1 - Environmental Assessments) in response to concerns with development on contaminated lands.
Cooperative projects developed with students from Sir Sandford Fleming College, University of Waterloo and Brock University, GIS related programs.
Urban Woodlot Assessment in response to clear-cutting(Regional Tree By Law)
Addition of ArcView desktop product to aid in the development of regular Planning report schedules and other documents tied to the GIS
Additional incorporation of the GIS into regular Planning procedures.
GIS displays and analysis tools were used to create the City’s "Greening Plan"
GIS used for the "Official Plan Review", and the creation of all OP schedules
GIS used for the "Regional Policy Plan - Where Next" development review
Additional Environmental and Development based data was researched and input
Permanent Planning staff were incorporated into the GIS program for continuity.
Additional contract staff were hired to continue the research and digital input of thematic spatial data (graphics and database tied to real world coordinates).
A digital base map was developed, in house, using standardized hard copy OBM maps (Ontario Base Maps - UTM, NAD 27, Zone 17) provided by MNR
Continued involvement with CAPE, Niagara River RAP (Remedial Action Plan) and Environment Week events and educational programs.
A funding partnership was formed between the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), the Ministry of the Environment and Energy (MOEE), the local Employment Office and the City of Niagara Falls Ontario (Environmental Planning & Greening Committee).
The required hardware (computer, plotter and digitizer) and GIS software (ESRI - PC ArcInfo) was purchased and installed in the Planning & Development department at the City.
Contract staff were hired, through special employment funding, to start research and data input.
The need for the collection of Environmental data was determined as a response to the "Love Canal" issue in the United States, and the OWMC (Ontario Waste Management Corporation) hazardous waste treatment facility, site selection process in Canada.
A cooperative international partnership was formed between the City of Niagara Falls Ontario and the City of Niagara Falls New York - CAPE (Canadians and Americans to Protect the Environment).
The need for a computerized GIS to store, access and analyze the large amounts of environmental data was determined and approved by council.
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