Employment Opportunities

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Interested applicants wishing to apply to the City of Niagara Falls must submit a detailed resume during a recruitment drive before the closing date.

Current Opportunities

Project Manager (Permanent)

Division: Municipal Works (Engineering)
Close Date: 9/30/2024
Rate/Salary:$94,914.00 - $118,642.00 Annual

Planner 1 (Permanent)

Division: Planning, Building & Development
Close Date: 9/30/2024
Rate/Salary:$40.93 - $42.34 Hourly



Urban Designer/Landscape Architect (18-Month Contract)

Division: Planning, Building & Development
Close Date: 9/30/2024
Rate/Salary:$94,914.00 - $118,642.00 Annual





Lifeguards and Swim Instructors (Part-time)

Division: Recreation, Culture & Facilities (Aquatics)
Close Date: 12/31/2024
Rate/Salary:$20.46 - $21.48 Hourly


Part-time School Crossing Guard

Division: Transportation Services
Close Date: 12/31/2024
Rate/Salary:$20.35 - $20.35 Hourly

Please ensure to include the Application Form (Supporting Document) with your application.