Environmental Sustainability

Implementing practices and policies to ensure the health and well-being of the environment for current and future generations. Environmental sustainability is vital for adapting to the impacts of climate change, preserving biodiversity, and improving the quality of life for residents in the community. 


  • Implement the Climate Change Adaptation Plan recommendations through collaboration with various community partners and updates to the City's business practice.
  • Reduce the City's greenhouse gas emissions while enhancing energy efficiency. 
  • Foster a healthy and resilient urban forest ecosystem that contributes to biodiversity and improved air quality.
  • Reduce the impact of wet weather events and combined sewer overflows on water bodies and ecosystems.
  • Ensure critical infrastructure assets' long-term sustainability and functionality through targeted repair and maintenance programs.


Climate Change Adaptation Plan

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<25% Complete
On Track
Key Accomplishment(s)
  • Approved the Climate Change Adaptation Plan 2023. 
  • Grant for Climate Liaison not approved.  
  • Established an internal "Green Team" to work on climate goals and progress on 41 key benchmarks within the plan.
Next Milestone(s)
  • The internal Climate "Green Team" will share progress on climate goals. 
  • Set meetings with external stakeholders to establish collaborative opportunities to work on some of the 41 community-focused benchmarks.  
  • Include selected climate items in the 2025 Budget. 

Stormwater Management and Drainage Programs

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25% Complete
On Track
Key Accomplishment(s)
  • Budget approved for municipal drain, ditch inventory, and Stormwater Management Facility (SWMF) cleaning.
  • Council considered changes to the existing Residential Urban Drainage Assistance Policy.
Next Milestone(s)
  • Consultant examination of municipal drains and ditches. 
  • Cleanout of Domenic Crescent Storm Water Management Frequency (SWMF).

Infrastructure State of Good Repair Program

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On Track
Key Accomplishment(s)
  • Projects approved in the 2024 capital budget.  
  • Plans for 2025 and a 10-year forecast are underway.
Next Milestone(s)
  • Continuous work towards plans. 

Infrastructure Servicing Master Plan

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75% Complete
On Track
Key Accomplishment(s)
  • Consulting assignment is underway.
  • Development of the Growth Forecast.
  • Informed by the Development Charges (DC) By-law Background Study. 
Next Milestone(s)
  • Public Meeting #2

Wet Weather and Combined Sewer Overflow Strategy

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75% Complete
On Track
Key Accomplishment(s)
  • Included in the Infrastructure Servicing Master Plan.
Next Milestone(s)
  • Public Meeting #2.

Strategic Urban Forest Management Plan

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<25% Complete
Project Pending
Key Accomplishment(s)
  • Completed a jurisdiction scan.
  • Updated the tree inventory. 
Next Milestone(s)
  • Consultant Request For Proposal.

Review of Active Transportation Opportunities

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50% Complete
On Track
Key Accomplishment(s)
  • Kickoff of Active Transportation Master Plan as part of the Transportation Master Plan.
  • Public Open House #1.
  • Candidate network drafted.
Next Milestone(s)
  • Public Open House #2 where draft trails and cycling network will be presented to the public.

Energy Management and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan

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<25% Complete
Key Accomplishment(s)
  • In progress.
Next Milestone(s)
  • Conservation Demand Management (CDM) plan due in 2024.

Create new Woodland Restoration & Preservation Policies

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25% Complete
On Track
Key Accomplishment(s)
  • Policies scoped in the Official Plan.
Next Milestone(s)
  • Draft Policy presented in Phases 3 and 4 of Study (Fall 2024).