2023 Committee Members
- Councilor Wayne Campbell (Council Rep)
- Councilor Mona Patel (Council Rep)
- Marilyn Tian (Chair)
- Sheila DeLuca (Co-Chair)
- Marla Terreberry-Portfilio
- Erden Ertorer
- Jitto Tom Uthup
- Cat Thagard
Committee membership will be comprised of the following:
- Committee Composition of nine (9) members
- Representation from one (1) Council Member (and the Mayor as ex officio).
- Representation from one (1) Human Resources Staff Member (non voting capacity)
A maximum of nine (9) Citizen Members chosen with the intention of bringing understanding, expertise and experience of the principles of diversity, equality, inclusion and human rights and, that have a diverse background covering one or more of the following categories as outlined in the Ontario Human Rights Code:
- Age – i.e. Youth (18-30), Adult (30-65), Seniors (65+)
- Gender and Gender Identity – i.e. Male/Female, etc.
- Sexual Orientation – LGBTQ
- Faith – i.e. Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jewish, Atheist, etc.
- Ethno-cultural – i.e. Southeast Asian, Arab, Italian, Polish, etc.
- Physical & Mental Ability – i.e. Autistic, Vision Disability, etc.
Staff advisors from Human Resources and Recreation and Culture will attend meetings as required to support the discussion in a non-voting capacity. Their attendance will be determined per each meeting’s agenda items and may include City staff and other stakeholders as necessary.
Committee Member Selection
Committee members will be selected through an application and interview process. All selected candidates must attend an orientation session. The interview panel will include the appointed Council representative and staff representatives. Recommendations will be presented to Council for approval.
Committee Member Qualifications
Committee members will have skills, knowledge, and experience to contribute effectively to the committee’s objectives. Committee members must be a City of Niagara Falls resident, business owner and or stakeholder and, be generally familiar with the following:
- overall community issues
- issues facing inclusion and accessibility in the community and across the City of Niagara Falls.
Term of Office
The term of office for the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee shall run concurrent with the term of Council, or until successors are appointed. Within the first two committee meetings, the members will appoint a Committee Chair and Vice-Chair.
Work Plan
The Committee members will work with City staff to set out a work plan for the Committee and outline their objectives. The Committee will report to Council as needed and will present its accomplishments to Council on an annual basis.