Current Niagara Falls Forecast
Cloudy with wind
Temperature: -8.65° C
Feels Like: -15.23° C
Humidity: 92%
Wind Speed: 16 NNW
Last Updated: 12/21/2024 8:10:02 AM
Future Weather Forecast
High: -8° C
Low: -13° C
POP: 0%
High: 3° C
Low: -11° C
POP: 85%
High: 2° C
Low: -4° C
POP: 85%
High: 1° C
Low: -4° C
POP: 5%
High: 2° C
Low: -1° C
POP: 15%
High: 6° C
Low: 0° C
POP: 15%
Regional Weather Notices
For information on any Weather Advisories or Notices that have been posted by the Niagara Region, visit the Public Health & Safety page on the Region of Niagara's website.