Summer Trillium Program Categories

During the assessment process, the Committee will determine how well a property is maintained through a scoring matrix system (Principles of Design, Turf, Plants, Hardscaping Features, Unique Features and Environmental Issues).  Properties will be assessed and given a score between 0 and 100.

Scoring Criteria

  1. Principles of Design – 20 marks

    • Over-all design principles, balance, rhythm and tastefulness.  
  2. Turf – 10 marks

    • Weed & Disease conditions.
    • Quality of edging of the turf area.
    • Uniqueness of ground cover.
    • Does ground cover invite foot traffic, unite beds and encourage pollinators?
  3. Quality of Maintenance & Plant Diversity – 30 marks

    • Pruning, deadheading.
    • Use of perennials and native plants.
    • Includes deciduous plants, unique specimens, evergreens, vegetables, fruit trees or medicinal plants.
  4. Hardscaping Features – 10 marks

    • Quality of paving surfaces, walkways, driveways, curbing, retaining wall & steps.
    • Quality of steps and service areas hidden.
  5. Unique Features – 10 marks

    • Hanging baskets, baskets, pots & ponds.
    • Tastefulness, uniqueness and harmony of decorations.
    • Do containers have edible ornaments?
  6. Environmental Issues – 20 marks

    • Water conservation (use of mulches), rain barrels.
    • Attracting wildlife, native plants providing structure to encourage safe areas.
    • Litter is clear of sight.
    • Use of pollinator and edible plants.

Award of Excellence

Scoring range: 100 to 90 (in consecutive years)

Once a property has been recognized as a Gold Trillium recipient in the immediate previous year, the property owner is still able to nominate their own property once again the following year to be evaluated by the Trillium Sub-Committee.  If the property evaluation scores 90 points or better, the property will then be recognized with an Award of Excellence property. The property would need to be maintained at a Gold standard in order receive this recognition.  The property will be recognized with a picture frame of their property and an Award of Excellence plaque. Award of Excellence recipients are no longer scored or eligible for awards in future years, but can still request an honourary visit from the Sub-Committee during the assessment process.

Gold Trillium

Scoring range: 100 to 90

This is the highest rating a property can receive. To achieve such honours, the property owner(s) has proven that they are committed to their property and that they strive to reach a level of excellence. Gold Trillium recipients are examples for the community to follow. Once a property has been recognized as a Gold Trillium recipient, the property can still be recognized in the following year by the Committee with an Award of Excellence. The property would need to be nominated and maintained at a Gold Trillium standard in order receive this recognition.

Silver Trillium

Scoring range: 89.9 to 80

This rating acknowledges the extensive effort that is put forward by property owners in nurturing their curbside landscape.  Property owners are almost at a level of excellence, but may want to focus more on a few details in order to reach the Gold Trillium rating. These property owners have the option to re-enter their properties again next year to see if they can achieve this goal.  

A basic summary of the property evaluation can be forwarded at the request of the property owner. An evaluation can help to determine where improvements can be done. Request an evaluation

Bronze Trillium

Scoring range: 79.9 to 70

This rating is for properties that have put forward a strong effort into maintaining their landscaping.  However, there can be a few improvements made. These property owners are also able to enter their property again next year to see if they can build on their previous efforts and achieve a higher rating.  

A basic summary of the property evaluation can be forwarded at the request of the property owner. Request an evaluation.

Trillium Participant

Scoring range: 69.9 to 0

Property owners who do not receive a coloured rating can request an assessment of their property to help them improve in future years.  These property owners are not short on passion to achieve a beautiful landscape and want to improve.