Notice of Public Meeting (AM-2024-026) 7737 Lundy's Lane - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application


Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments have been submitted for a special policy area to increase the maximum permitted net residential density, from 100 units per hectare to 164 units per hectare. The applicant proposes to convert the existing three-storey commercial building to a mixed-use building containing a total of 118 rental dwelling units and various commercial uses. Of those 118 units, 30 units (25%) are proposed to be affordable. The proposal is located within the Built-Up Area and the Lundy’s Lane Satellite District. Residential intensification is encouraged within this District in standalone or mixed-use buildings (See attachment for more information).

The subject lands are designated Tourist Commercial within the City’s Official Plan and zoned Tourist Commercial (TC) in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended.

The applicant is requesting a site-specific TC zone to add dwellings units on the ground floor, to increase the total floor area of the dwelling units located in a building to a maximum of 91 % for all residential uses, to recognize a zero setback for the rear yard requirement of the existing building, and to provide a minimum parking requirement for all uses of 91 spaces.

Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

Public Meeting Date

2/25/2025 5:00:00 PM

Public Meeting Location

Council Chambers, City Hall, 4310 Queen Street, or remotely via Web

Posting Dates

1/23/2025 to 2/26/2025