Public Notices

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Special Notices

TypeTitleDatesRoad ClosuresDetails
Road ClosureChippawa Parkway - Stanley Avenue to Dorchester Road6/20/2024 - 12/31/2024Full RoadMore Info
Road ClosureMain Street Chippawa - Sodom Road to Oliver Street7/2/2024 - 11/29/2024Full RoadMore Info
Road ClosureSchisler Road and Koabel Road between Montrose Road and Willodell Road7/8/2024 - 11/1/2024Full RoadMore Info
Watermain BreakHeritage Drive9/20/2024PartialMore Info
Sewer RepairCarlton ave9/20/2024 - 9/24/2024Full RoadMore Info

Public Notices

  • Notice of Application & Open House Meeting - 5901-6009 Bentley Common - AM-2024-023 - Minor Zoning By-law Amendment


    A Minor Zoning By-law Amendment application has been submitted to permit Vacation Rental Units (VRUs) on the subject lands (5901-6009 Bentley Common). The subject lands are designated Minor Commercial within the City of Niagara Falls Official Plan.

    The subject lands are currently zoned Residential Low Density Grouped Multiple Dwelling (R3-916) Zone, as amended by By-law Nos. 2010-131 and 2016-111. In February of 2024, the Committee of Adjustment approved a Minor Variance application to allow 7 of the 34 townhouse dwellings (5957-5981 Bentley Common) to be used as VRUs in addition to the existing residential uses. The current Minor Zoning By-law Amendment application (AM-2024-023) proposes to extend this use for the remaining 27 townhouse dwellings so that all 34 townhouse dwellings may be used as VRUs, as shown in the attached.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    9/19/2024 to 10/4/2024
  • Notice of Construction - 2024 Asphalt Patching Program - 2024-04


    The City of Niagara Falls will be undertaking the replacement of the surface course asphalt on the following streets:

    - Dorchester Road (from Cropp Street to Highway 420)

    Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin the week of September 23rd, 2024 (weather permitting) and will be continuous until completion.

    This project will be carried out for the City of Niagara Falls by Circle P Paving. In general, the work will consist of milling the existing asphalt, completing asphalt base repairs as required, adjusting manholes and catch basins to finished grade, and the placement of surface course asphalt. Please note due to the high traffic counts and concerns with pedestrian and vehicular safety; the contractor will be paving at night (2 nights total).

    Due to the scope of work involved, driveway accessibility may be affected during construction.

    Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact:

    Joe D'Agostino, C.E.T.
    Construction Services Supervisor
    Municipal Works
    City of Niagara Falls
    4310 Queen Street, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5
    Phone: 905-356-7524, Ext. 4319
    Fax: 289-296-0048
    Email: [email protected]


    Posting Dates

    9/18/2024 to 10/14/2024
  • Notice of Application & Open House Meeting - 8547 Grassy Brook Road - AM-2024-017 - Minor Zoning By-law Amendment


    A Minor Zoning By-law Amendment application has been submitted to facilitate the development of a sales office featuring a community centre and model homes on Block 89 of the approved Grand Niagara Draft Plan of Subdivision, as shown in the attached. The applicant is also proposing to reduce the minimum interior side yard width requirement for back-to-back townhouse dwellings, which are permitted as-of-right, for Blocks 2, 3 and 61 of the approved Grand Niagara Draft Plan of Subdivision. Details regarding the proposed amendments are as follows:

    Block 89: The lands are zoned Residential Apartment 5E Density (R5E-H-1206) Zone, in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended by By-law No. 2023-080. The applicant is proposing to add a sales office, a community centre, detached dwellings, Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), and model homes as permitted uses.

    Block 2, 3 & 61: The lands are zoned Residential Apartment 5D Density (R5D-H-1203) Zone, in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended by By-law No. 2023-080. The applicant is proposing to reduce the minimum interior side yard width requirement for back-to-back townhouse dwellings. Staff note that the existing zoning permits the use of the lands for back-to-back townhouse dwellings.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    9/18/2024 to 10/3/2024
  • Notice of Public Meeting - AM-2023-035 - 4499 & 4473-4479 Ferguson Street (Official Plan & Zoning By-law Amendment Application)


    An Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment application has been submitted to permit the conversion and renovation of the two existing buildings on site to 8-unit and 16-unit apartment dwellings. See Schedules 1 and 2 in the attached which show the details of the proposal development.

    The subject lands are designated Medium Density Residential, in accordance with the Transit Station Secondary Plan and the City of Niagara Falls Official Plan. This designation permits a density ranging from 50 to 75 units per hectare. An Official Plan Amendment is requested to permit a maximum density of 128 units per hectare.

    The subject lands, municipally known as 4499 and 4473-4479 Fergusson Street, are zoned Neighbourhood Commercial (NC) Zone in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200. The applicant is requesting to rezone the lands to a site-specific Residential 5C Density zone (R5C), which would permit the proposed apartment dwellings. Site-specific provisions are being requested to address the following: reductions to the minimum front yard depth, rear yard depth, exterior side yard width and minimum landscaped open space, as well as increases to maximum lot coverage and the number of apartment dwellings on one lot. The site-specific provisions have been requested to recognize existing deficiencies/conditions.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    9/11/2024 to 10/2/2024
  • Notice of Public Committee of Adjustment Hearing (B-2024-012 & A-2024-035) - 4634 Baldwin Avenue - Consent & Minor Variance


    The subject property known as 4634 Baldwin Avenue is located on the east side of Baldwin Avenue between Mulhern Street and Vincent Street.

    The applicant is requesting the Committee of Adjustment to consider minor variances from provisions of Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended, through a process permitted by Section 45(1) and to consider a consent under section 53 of the Planning Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13).

    The applicant has applied for a partial discharge of mortgage and to convey a parcel of land (Part 2) with a lot area of 487.3 square metres for a future dwelling. The retained lot (Part 1), having a lot area of 604.9 square metres, will retain the existing detached dwelling. The subject property is zoned Residential Two (R2) Zone in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200. See the attached for details of the variances requested.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    9/10/2024 to 9/25/2024
  • Notice of Public Committee of Adjustment Hearing (B-2024-011 & A-2024-033) - 6140 Culp Street - Consent & Minor Variance


    The subject property known as 6140 Culp St is located on the south side of Culp Street between Dawlish Avenue and Pine Grove Avenue. 

    The applicant is requesting the Committee of Adjustment to consider minor variances from provisions of Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended, through a process permitted by Section 45(1) and to consider a consent under section 53 of the Planning Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13).

    The applicant is requesting a partial discharge of mortgage and is proposing to convey a parcel of land (Part 1) with a lot area of 371.0 square metres for future residential development. The subject property is zoned Residential Two (R2) Zone, in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200. Concurrent minor variances have been requested for both the conveyed (Part 1) and the retained (Part 2) parcels of land. See the attached for details of the variances requested.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    9/10/2024 to 9/25/2024
  • Notice of Public Committee of Adjustment Hearing (A-2024-038) - McLeod Road (ARN 272509000600100)- Minor Variance


    The subject property known as 2725 090 00600 100McLeod Road is located on the north-east corner of Kalar Road and McLeod Road.

    The applicant is requesting the Committee of Adjustment to consider minor variances from provisions of ZoningBy-lawNo79-200,as amended, through a process permitted by Section 45(1) of the Planning Act (R.S.O.1990, c.P.13).

    The applicant is proposing to construct two apartment dwellings 6 to 13storeysin height, with a total of 487 dwelling units on the subject property. The property is zoned Residential Apartment 5F Density Zone (R5F-1190), in part, and EPA zone in part, in accordance with Zoning By-law 79-200, the R5F-1190 zone is amended by site specific By-law 2022-115. See the attached for details of the variance requested.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    9/10/2024 to 9/25/2024
  • Notice of Public Committee of Adjustment Hearing (A-2024-039) - 9405 Schisler Road - Minor Variance


    The subject property known as 9405 SCHISLER RD is located on the north side of Schisler Road to the west of Morris Road. The applicant is requesting the Committee of Adjustment to consider minor variances from provisions of Zoning By-law No 79-200, as amended, through a process permitted by Section 45(1) of the Planning Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13).

    The applicant is requesting the Committee recognize the existing location of a recently constructed accessory structure(detached garage) and sea container in the front yard. The subject property is zoned Rural Agricultural (RA) in accordance with By-law No. 1538 (1958) for the former Township of Crowland, now part of the City of Niagara Falls, as amended by By-law No. 82-20. See the attached for details of the variance requested.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    9/10/2024 to 9/25/2024
  • Notice of Public Committee of Adjustment Hearing (A-2024-036) - 3151 Montrose Road - Minor Variance


    The subject property known as 3151 Montrose Road is located on the west side of Montrose Road to the north of Matthews Drive.

     The applicant is requesting the Committee of Adjustment to consider minor variances from provisions of Zoning By-law No 79-200, as amended, through a process permitted by Section 45(1) of the Planning Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13).

    The subject property is zoned Residential Low Density, Group Multiple Dwelling Zone (R4-1227), in part, and Residential 1E Density (R1E-1228), in part, in accordance with Zoning By-law 79-200, as amended by site specific By-law 2024-002. The applicant is proposing to construct one block of 4 townhouse dwelling units, one block of 5 townhouse dwelling units, one detached dwelling together with one existing dwelling the property zoned R4-1227 and a detached dwelling on the property zoned R1E-1228. See the attached for details of the variance requested.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    9/10/2024 to 9/25/2024
  • Notice of Public Committee of Adjustment Hearing (A-2024-037) - 3621 Gunning Drive - Minor Variance


    The subject property known as 3621 GUNNING DR is located on the north side of Gunning Drive between Bell Crescent and Willoughby Drive.

    The applicant is requesting the Committee of Adjustment to consider minor variances from provisions of Zoning By-law No 79-200, as amended, through a process permitted by Section 45(1) of the Planning Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13).

    The applicant has constructed an accessory building within the interior side yard. The subject property is zoned Residential 1C (R1C) Zone in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended by By-law No. 2018-030. See the attached for details of the variance requested.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    9/9/2024 to 9/25/2024
  • Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake, Portage Road Temporary Road Closure


    Motorists and the general public are hereby advised that Regional Road 61 (Portage Road) between Niagara River Parkway and Regional Road 102 (Stanley Avenue) will be closed to through traffic between September 3rd, 2024, to November 29th, 2024. 

    The road closure is necessary for the detour of motorists off of Highway 405. The detour route for the closure is as follows: 

    D1 (Eastbound): Regional Road 61 (Niagara Townline Road) > Regional Road 100 (Four Mile Creek Road) > Regional Road 81 (York Road) > Niagara River Parkway 

    D2 (Westbound): Niagara River Parkway > Regional Road 81 (York Road) > Regional Road 100 (Four Mile Creek Road) > Regional Road 61 (Niagara Townline Road) 

    Emergency Services will have through access during the closure. 

    Any inquiries concerning this closure may be directed to Kevin Allan at (905) 980-6000 ext. 3267. 

    Your co-operation and patience during this period of inconvenience will be appreciated. 

    Please follow the public-facing website for Niagara Region Road closures for real-time information on road closures and construction updates. Municipal 511 share road information that connected directly to Google Maps and Waze and help Niagara Region, Local Area Municipalities and MTO to better coordinate local construction projects to minimize traffic disruption. 

    Terry Ricketts,

    P.Eng. ,Commissioner of Public Works Niagara Region

    Posting Dates

    9/3/2024 to 11/29/2024
  • Notice of Public Meeting - AM-2023-025 - 4257 Montrose Road (Zoning By-law Amendment Application)


    A Zoning By-law amendment application has been submitted to facilitate the development of 10 block townhouse dwellings in 2 blocks. Schedule 1 and 2 shows the details of the proposal. 

    The property is designated Residential in the City’s Official Plan. The lands are currently zoned Residential Apartment 5B Density (R5B-630) zone in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended.

    The applicant is requesting to rezone the lands to a site-specific Residential Low Density, Group Multiple Density (R4) zone to allow for a reduced front yard depth, reduced rear yard depth, reduced interior side yard width, reduced privacy yard depth, an increase in the lot coverage, an increase of the projection for a one-storey porch into a required privacy yard and to permit the projection of a roofed over one-storey porch into a required side yard.

    A future Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium will be required to facilitate the sale of the units. 

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    8/30/2024 to 10/2/2024
  • REVISED Notice of Public Meeting - AM-2024-003 - 6546 Fallsview Boulevard & 6503-6519 Stanley Avenue (Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application)


    An Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment application has been submitted.

    6546 Fallsview Boulevard

    The applicant is proposing the development of a mixed-use building consisting of two 58-storey towers (maximum of 60 storeys to accommodate roof features) and a total of 1140 hotel suites and amenities and 126 dwelling units, along with multi-purpose space and various accessory uses. See the attached for details of the proposal. 

    The subject property is designated Tourist Commercial in accordance with the City of Niagara Falls Official Plan, and is located within the Fallsview Tourist Subdistrict. The development is proposed within an area where high-rise buildings (13 to 30 storeys) may be considered, subject to a Zoning By-law Amendment. The applicant is proposing to amend the Official Plan to introduce a special policy area that will permit a maximum building height of 58 storeys, with the option of adding two additional storeys, for a total of 60 storeys, to accommodate roof features.

    The property is zoned Tourist Commercial (TC-75 and 599) Zone, in part, in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended by By-law No. 2002-210, 2012-60 and 2012-061, and Parking (P-599) Zone, in part, in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended by By-law No. 2002-210, 1988-133 and 2012-060. The applicant is proposing to rezone the property to a site-specific Tourist Commercial (TC) Zone that permits off-site parking at 6503-6519 Stanley Avenue, permits an increase to the maximum height of buildings or structures, eliminates the maximum lot coverage requirement, and establishes the location of the proposed building or structure and requirements for roof features, a maximum floor area, parking requirements and number of loading spaces. Further, the applicant proposes to consider the whole of the lands for the purpose of calculating minimum lot area.

    6503-6519 Stanley Avenue

    The applicant is proposing the development of a 7-storey parking garage and hotel guest terminal facility to accommodate off-site parking associated with the mixed-use development at 6546 Fallsview Boulevard. See the attachd for details of the proposal.

    The subject property is designated Tourist Commercial in accordance with the City of Niagara Falls Official Plan, and is located within the Fallsview Tourist Subdistrict. An Official Plan Amendment is not required to facilitate the development of the parking garage.

    The subject property is zoned Tourist Commercial (TC-75) Zone in accordance with Zoning By-law No. 79-200, as amended by By-law No. 2012-060 and 2012-061, in part. The applicant is proposing to rezone the property to a site-specific Tourist Commercial (TC) Zone that permits an increase to the maximum height of buildings or structures, and establishes a minimum landscape strip requirement and the location of the proposed building/structure.

    Digital copies of plans and documents submitted with the application may be obtained on the Planning Department Current Applications webpage.

    Posting Dates

    8/21/2024 to 10/2/2024
  • Notice of Construction - Armoury Street Sewer Separation - St. Lawrence Avenue Sewer Separation & Watermain Replacement


    City Contract 2024-531-20 (Phase 2)
    Armoury Street Sewer Separation (Victoria Avenue to St. Lawrence Avenue)
    St. Lawrence Avenue Sewer Separation and Watermain Replacement (Simcoe Street to Jepson Street)

    The City of Niagara Falls will be conducting various infrastructure improvements on Armoury Street and St. Lawrence Avenue including new sanitary, storm sewers, watermain (St. Lawrence Ave), full depth road reconstruction including new curbs and sidewalks.

    This contract will be carried out for the City of Niagara Falls by Alfidome Construction Niagara. Construction is scheduled to begin the week of July 15, 2024. Please note that the actual start date will be dependent on weather and the acquisition of all necessary permits and approvals.

    For further information you may contact:

    Kurtis Bottrell, C.E.T.
    Project Manager, Municipal Works
    City of Niagara Falls
    4310 Queen Street
    Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5
    Phone: 905-356-7521, Ext. 4338
    Email: [email protected]


    Posting Dates

    7/10/2024 to 12/31/2024
  • Notice of Commencement - Portage Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation


    Niagara Region is carrying out the preliminary and detailed design of improvements to the Portage Trunk Sewer, located in the City of Niagara Falls.

    The Portage Trunk Sewer is located along a hydro corridor between the rear yards of Sheldon Street and Darcy Crescent / Maplewood Avenue. Sewage is discharged from the Kalar Road Sewage Pumping Station into the trunk sewer at an access chamber located south of the rear fence line at 6606 Sheldon Street. The sewer continues eastward for approximately 1.3 kilometers before discharging to the Stamford Interceptor and ultimately the Niagara Falls Wastewater Treatment Plant.

    The detailed design is anticipated to be completed by winter 2025.

    Visit the project webpage at for further details as the design progresses. 

    Any questions about this project should be directed to:

    Robert Stret, P.Eng. PMP
    Project Manager, Water and Wastewater Engineering
    Niagara Region
    905-980-6000 ext. 3190
    [email protected]

    Patrick Moskwa
    Project Manager
    Robinson Consultants
    905-304-0080 ext. 225
    [email protected]

    Posting Dates

    7/4/2024 to 12/31/2025
  • Notice of Construction - 2024 Road Resurfacing Program - 2024-13


    The City of Niagara Falls will be undertaking the replacement of the surface course asphalt on the following streets:

    Cardinal Drive (from Montrose Road to TSR)
    Mount Carmel Boulevard (from Kalar Road to Montrose Road)
    Matthews Drive (from Montrose Road to Mount Carmel Boulevard)
    Dunn Street (from Ailanthus Avenue to Orchard Avenue)
    Morrison Street (from Stanley Avenue to Valley Way)
    Swayze Drive (from Heritage Drive to Stanley Avenue)
    Valley Way (from Drummond Road to Portage Road)
    Macklem Street (from Portage Road to Mechanic Street)
    Portage Road (from Norton Street to Macklem Street)

    Construction is tentatively to begin the week of July 1st, 2024 (weather permitting) and will be continuous until completion. 

    This project will be carried out for the City of Niagara Falls by Rankin Construction. In general, the work will consist of milling the existing asphalt, completing asphalt base repairs as required, adjusting manholes and catch basins to finished grade, and the placement of surface course asphalt.

    Due to the scope of work involved, driveway accessibility may be affected during construction. 

    Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact: 

    Joe D'Agostino, C.E.T.
    Construction Services Supervisor
    Municipal Works
    City of Niagara Falls
    4310 Queen Street, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5
    Phone: 905-356-7524, Ext. 4319
    Fax: 289-296-0048
    Email: [email protected]


    Posting Dates

    7/1/2024 to 9/30/2024
  • Notice of Construction - Stanley Avenue Business Park Watermain Replacement - Phase 3 - CONTRACT No. 2024-523-20


    The City of Niagara Falls will be completing the watermain replacement and water service replacement, complete with all restorations on;

    Progress Street (from Earl Thomas Avenue to the turnaround)
    Kister Road (from Don Murie Street to Progress Street)

    At times it may be difficult to drive through the above location due to construction in progress. In accordance with the contract documents, the contractor, Nexterra Substructures Inc. is required to notify the emergency services of their daily operations.

    The work is scheduled to commence on June 11, 2024 and will be continuous until completion, approximately October 2024 weather permitting. Equipment will start arriving on site as early as June 11, 2024. 

    It is anticipated that one lane traffic will be maintained during construction with the exception of planned rolling road closures. The timing and limits of all road closures will be provided in advance. 

    For further information you may contact:

    Steven Kizlan, P.Eng.
    Senior Project Manager 
    Municipal Works
    City of Niagara Falls
    4310 Queen Street, P.O. Box 1023
    Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5
    (905) 356-7521 ext. 4288
    [email protected]


    Posting Dates

    6/11/2024 to 10/31/2024
  • Notice of Construction - 2024 Road Rehabilitation & Sidewalk Replacement - 2024-603-24


    The City of Niagara Falls will be undertaking the resurfacing of the asphalt road and the replacement of deficient concrete curb and sidewalk (if applicable) on the following streets:

    Palmer Avenue (from Highway 420 (Bridge) to Simcoe Street)
    Sarah Street (from Main Street to East Limit)
    Rapelje Street (off Sarah Street)
    Harleyford Crescent (off Sarah Street)

    This project will be carried out for the City of Niagara Falls by Niagara Concrete Forming and Finishing. In general, the road work will consist of sub-drain installation, removal and replacement of deficient curb and sidewalk sections, raising manholes and catch basins to finished grade, milling existing asphalt pavement and the placement of hot mix asphalt.

    Due to the scope of work involved, driveway accessibility may be affected during construction. 

    Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact:

    Joe D'Agostino, C.E.T.
    Construction Services Supervisor
    Municipal Works
    City of Niagara Falls
    4310 Queen Street, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5
    Phone: 905-356-7524, Ext. 4319
    Fax: 289-296-0048
    Email: [email protected]


    Posting Dates

    5/21/2024 to 9/30/2024
  • Notice of Construction - Phase 2 Ferry Street Reconstruction


    Please be advised that construction is scheduled to recommence on Ferry Street from Stanley Avenue to Clark / Ellen Avenue on September 3rd.

    Provincial Construction Inc. will be performing road reconstruction including underground infrastructure replacements, new curbs and sidewalks, decorative street lighting, and landscaping for the City of Niagara Falls on the following streets:

    Ferry Street from Stanley Avenue to Clark / Ellen Avenue
    Buchanan Avenue from Spring Street to Ferry Street

    The project will be completed over two separate construction periods as follows:

    Period 1: April 22nd to June 28th, 2024
    Period 2: September 3rd to November 29th, 2024

    There are no planned road closures on Ferry Street.  The contractor intends to keep traffic flowing in both directions during and after working hours with only a few exceptions where traffic will need to be squeezed down to one lane with flag persons when crossing the street for electrical services and for a storm sewer connection at Buchanan Avenue / Ferry Street.

     There is a planned road closure on Buchanan Avenue from Spring Street to Ferry Street to complete some storm sewer work.  It is expected that this closure will be implemented mid-late September and will last approximately three weeks, weather permitting.

     Watermain connections need to be completed in the Stanley Avenue intersection.  This work will be completed at night to minimize disruptions.

    In accordance with the contract documents, the contractor, Provincial Construction Inc. is required to notify emergency services of their daily operations.

    The work is scheduled to commence on September 3rd, 2024 with completion expected by the end of November 2024, weather permitting.

    For further information you may contact:

    Eric Lallouet
    Senior Project Manager
    Municipal Works, City of Niagara Falls
    4310 Queen Street, P.O. Box 1023
    Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5
    (905) 356-7521 ext. 4216
    [email protected]

    Posting Dates

    4/11/2024 to 11/29/2024
  • Hydrant Flushing - 2024


     The City of Niagara Falls fire hydrant flushing program began on April 2, 2024, and will continue on into the fall of 2024. This is performed as part of a scheduled preventative maintenance program to help maintain good water quality and to improve water flow in your neighbourhood. The flushing will be moving into the Chippawa area in August and September (see map for further detail). If you reside in this area, you may notice a temporary decrease in your water pressure, and may experience discoloured water. If discolouration occurs, running a cold water tap closest to your water meter for a short period of time should alleviate the problem. Should you have any questions, concerns or persistent issues, please contact the Municipal Service Centre at 905-356-1355. The City’s Annual Water Report can be viewed online at or in person at the Municipal Service Centre at 3200 Stanley Avenue.











    Posting Dates

    4/2/2024 to 11/30/2024
  • Notice of Construction - Main Street (Chippawa) Road Reconstruction (Sodom Road to Dock Street)


    The City of Niagara Falls will be conducting various infrastructure improvements on Main Street Chippawa including new sanitary and storm sewers, full depth road reconstruction, new sidewalks, bicycle lanes, driveways, curbs, and boulevards on;

    Main Street Chippawa (Dock Street to Oliver Street)
    Main Street Chippawa (Oliver Street to Sodom Road)

    This contract will be carried out for the City of Niagara Falls by Baiocco Construction Corp

    At times it may be difficult to drive through the above location due to construction progress. Due to the scope of the work involved, Main Street Chippawa may be limited to one side of pedestrian traffic at times. Driveway accessibility will be affected periodically during sidewalk construction with every effort being made to give advance notice as these restrictions are implemented

    Construction is tentatively scheduled to commence on April 9, 2024, and will be continuous until completion, approximately November 2024 weather and supplies permitting.

    Two lanes of traffic will be maintained whenever possible. Rolling road closures of Main Street Chippawa are expected within the various stages of construction during the sanitary sewer and storm sewer installation. The timing and limits of all road closures will be provided in advance.

    For further information you may contact:              

    Wendy Eitzen, P.Eng.
    Project Manager, Municipal Works
    City of Niagara Falls
    Phone: 905-356-7521, Ext. 4337
    Email: [email protected]

    Posting Dates

    3/26/2024 to 11/30/2024
  • QEW Burlington Skyway Southbound Lane Structural Rehabilitations & NB and SB Electrical Work (GWP 2385-15-00)


    The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has retained WSP Canada Inc. (WSP) to undertake the Detail Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study (Class EA) for the structural rehabilitations of the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) Burlington Skyway southbound lane and the completion of electrical work on both the northbound and southbound QEW, within the City of Hamilton
    and the City of Burlington.

    The Burlington Skyway Niagara Bound structure will be rehabilitated in three main stages with all four lanes maintained during daytime and nightly lane closures as required. During each stage there will be single lane closures on the QEW throughout the weekends (Friday Night to Monday morning, approximately eight weekends per construction season) to rehabilitate the middle portions of the deck. Three lanes will be maintained over the Skyway structure during these weekend lane closures. Construction is expected to last for 3 years, and is anticipated to start in Spring 2024 with completion by Fall 2026.

    Please note that is also a great resource for travel, construction/maintenance closures and activities on the provincial highways.

    If you wish to obtain additional information or provide comments, please contact one of the Project Team members listed below:

    Ben Hui, P.Eng., M. Eng.

    Senior Project Manager - WSP Canada Inc.

    6925 Cenury Ave, Floor 6,

    Mississauga, ON L5N 7K2

    Tel: 289-835-2506

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Alice Kam. P.Eng

    Senior Project Manager

    Ontario Ministry of Transportation

    159 Sir William Hearst Ave. 4th Floor

    Downsview, ON M3M 0B7

    Tel: 437-227-5587

    e-mail: [email protected]


      Posting Dates

      10/23/2023 to 10/23/2026