Clerks Frequently Asked Questions

  • 2. How can I obtain a copy of a fire report?

    Whether you are an owner, tenant, neighbour or anyone looking for a copy of a fire report, a Freedom of Information request must be made to the Clerks Department at City Hall. The Niagara Falls Fire Department will not release any fire report regardless of the nature of the request without this processing being done.

    Categories: Clerks, Fire Prevention, Reports

  • What Identification is Required?

    We require identification for BOTH APPLICANTS in the form of:
    A current passport (which includes a photo)

    • an original birth certificate
    • PLUS
    • one piece of government-issued photo identification, i.e. driver's licence, permanent resident card, Canadian Citizenship card

    This is required for both applicants.

    Categories: Clerks, Marriage Licences

  • What is the cost of a Marriage Licence?

    The fee for a Licence is $150.00, Canadian funds. (Cash or Canadian Debit ONLY).

    Categories: Clerks, Marriage Licences