Firemen's Park Children’s Memorial Walkway Donations

Firemen's Park Children’s Memorial Walkway

In early 2021, City Council directed staff to find an appropriate way to commemorate Niagara Falls residents who have passed away suddenly at an early age. Located in the southeast area of Firemen's Park on the beautiful Niagara Escarpment, it is a special place for families to seek solace and comfort over and above where their child has been laid to rest.

Although city funding was set aside for the project, the actual costs exceeded the estimated budget. Additional funds are needed to complete the project to the scale and grandeur initially proposed.

We are reaching out to the community to help us complete the vision for this special place.

Individuals wishing to donate to the Children's Memorial Walkway project can also do so by cheques payable to the "City of Niagara Falls" with "Children's Memorial Walkway" in the memo line. Cheques can be mailed or delivered in person to:

Municipal Works Engineering
Niagara Falls City Hall, 2nd floor
4310 Queen Street,
Niagara Falls, ON. L2E 6X5

Children's Memorial Walkway project news article with more information.

Donor / Tax Receipt Information