Information for Candidates

Are you considering running for office?  Here you will find everything you need to know about candidacy, from filing your nomination papers and meeting eligibility criteria to navigating the campaign finance rules and deadlines.

­The province of Ontario releases a Candidate’s Guide for every municipal election.  The latest guide will be updated closer to the 2026 election date.

Candidate Guide

­The province of Ontario releases a Candidate’s Guide for every municipal election.  The latest guide will be updated closer to the 2026 election date.

2022 Candidates' Guide

Candidate Forms 

The following Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing forms are required for candidates.

Form 1 - Nomination Paper 

Form 2 - Endorsement of Nomination

Form 4 - Financial Statement Auditor's Report Candidate

Form 5 - Financial Statement Subsequent Expenses

Form 6 - Notice of Extension of Campaign Period

  • Requirements to run for Mayor, City Council or Regional Council

    To run for Municipal Office, on the day the nomination paper is filed, a person must be: 

    • a Canadian citizen
    • at least 18 years of age
    • a resident of the City of Niagara Falls, or
    • an owner or tenant of land in the City of Niagara Falls, or the spouse of the owner or tenant
    • not legally prohibited from voting
    • not disqualified by any legislation from holding municipal office

    Who cannot be a Council candidate

    The following people are disqualified from being elected as a member of Council, or from holding office as a member of Council:

    • a judge of any court
    • a member of the Provincial Legislature, the Federal House of Commons or Senate who has not resigned from their office by the close of nominations. Proof of resignation must be provided by the close of nominations or the Clerk will not certify the nomination.
    • a candidate who failed to file the necessary financial statement in the the last municipal election or by-election.

    Employees of the City of Niagara Falls and the Niagara Region

    • Employees who wish to run for Mayor, City Council or Regional Council must take an unpaid leave of absence before filing a nomination paper.
    • The employee must provide a copy of the documentation showing that they have taken the leave of absence and the effective date.

    Those who are interested in running for Regional Council, find out more information about what services the Niagara Region provides.

  • Requirements to run for School Board Trustee

    To run for any of the four school boards, on the day the Nomination Paper is filed, a person must be:

    • a Canadian citizen
    • at least 18 years of age
    • a resident in the area of jurisdiction of the board
    • not legally prohibited from voting
    • not disqualified by any legislation from holding municipal office

    For more information about being a School Board Trustee and being a candidate, please visit the 2022 Ontario Municipal and School Board Election website

    Who cannot be a School Board Trustee candidate

    The following people are disqualified from being elected as a school board trustee, or from holding office on any school board:

    • a clerk, treasurer, deputy-clerk or deputy-treasurer of any municipality within the area of jurisdiction of the school board except those on unpaid leave of absence.
    • a member of the Provincial Legislature, the Federal House of Commons or Senate who has not resigned from their office by the close of nominations. Proof of resignation must be provided by the close of nominations or the Clerk will not certify the nomination.
    • a candidate who failed to file the necessary financial statement in the last municipal election or by-election.

    School board employees

    • Employees of any school board (including supply teachers) are disqualified from being elected as school board trustee or from holding office on any school board, except during a leave of absence.
    • The employee must be on a leave of absence before filing their nomination paper.
    • They must provide the Clerk with documentation showing that they have taken the leave of absence and the effective date.

    Types of school boards

    1. District School Board of Niagara
    2. Niagara Catholic District School Board
    3. Conseil scolaire Viamonde (French Public)
    4. Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir (French Separate)

    Areas of jurisdiction

    If you wish to run for school board trustee you must live in the jurisdiction. For the District School Board of Niagara and the Niagara Catholic District School Board the area of jurisdiction is the City of Niagara Falls. Those interested in running for the French Public school board, must register with the City of Welland. Those interested in running for the French Separate school board, must register with the City of St. Catharines.

  • How to file a nomination and pay fees

    Filing your nomination

    • In-person filing: You must file your nomination in person because original signatures are required.
    • Required documents: Bring the following:
      1. Nomination Paper (Form 1)
      2. Endorsement of Nomination (Form 2)– For Mayor, City, and Region council candidates, you will need at least 25 endorsements from eligible electors.
      3. Valid identification

    If you are sending an agent to file for you, they must provide these documents along with their own ID. Incomplete documents won’t be accepted.

    Nomination fees

    • Pay by cash, debit card, or certified cheque or money order made out to 'City of Niagara Falls.'
    • $200.00 for Mayor
    • $100.00 for City Council, Regional Council or School Board Trustee

    Where to file

    • Make an appointment: Before visiting City Hall please call 905-356-7521 ext. 0 to schedule an appointment with the Clerk’s Department
    • Location:  File your nomination at the Office of the City Clerk at Niagara Falls City Hall, 4310 Queen Street.
  • Withdrawing your nomination

    If you decide you no longer wish to run you must:

    • File the Withdrawal of Nomination form in person (City Clerk's Office)
    • Provide identification
    • File a financial statement by the deadline date
  • Run for a different office

    You can change the office you're running for even after you have filed your papers. To do so, you must file a Nomination Paper for the new office. For mayor, city council or regional council candidates, you do not have to submit additional declaration of endorsements - what you submitted for the first office is transferred to the second office.

    Nomination filing fee

    • If the nomination filing fee is the same for the new office, no extra payment is required.
    • If the nomination filing fee differs for the new office, the difference must be paid, if applicable.
    • Note: the filing fee is not refunded until you file the financial statement by the deadline date. 

    Campaign finances

    • If you decide to run for a different office on the same council or school board, and both offices are elected at large, everything (contributions, expenses, etc.) from your first campaign is simply transferred to your second campaign. You will only file one financial statement.
    • A contributor's total contribution cannot exceed $1200.00 for both campaigns.
  • How to file financial statements

    The Municipal Elections Act requires every candidate to file a financial statement.

    Filing deadline

    • Deadline: The deadline to file for the 2022 election was March 31, 2023. at 2 pm
    • Grace period: A candidate who missed the deadline may file within a 30-day grace period, provided that a $500.00 late filing fee is paid to the municipality.

    Complete the required form

    Audit requirements

    • If your campaign contributions and total expenses exceed $10,000, you must have your financial statement audited by a licensed auditor. Submit the auditor’s report along with your financial statement to the Clerk.

    Public access to financial statements

    • Public records: All financial statements are public documents. The Clerk will keep them until the new council takes office after the next election. Anyone can obtain copies, but they can only be used for election purposes.
    • Access online: Visit our 2022 Election pagefor posted candidate financial statements.

    Nomination fee refund