Delegations, Appointments, Written Correspondence & Petitions

Everyone can participate in open meetings and share their views with the City Council. Here, you can learn more about requesting to speak at a council meeting, writing to the council, and submitting petitions.

Speaking at a council meeting

Speaking on an agenda item (Delegation)

  • If you want to talk about something already on the agenda, you're a "Delegation."
  • Submit your request in writing to the Clerk at least 24 hours before the meeting.

Speaking on a new topic (Appointment)

  • If you want to bring up something not on the agenda, you need an "Appointment."
  • Request an appointment by submitting your name, contact details, and a brief of your topic and what request/direction you seek from the council.
  • Submit your request to the Clerk at least 7 days before the meeting. 
  • Your request will become part of the official record of the council proceedings and is considered a public document.
  • A total of 5 appointments are allowed per meeting.

How long you can talk

You’ll get up to 5 minutes to speak unless Council decides otherwise.

How to submit your request to speak

Complete the Delegations and Appointments to Council Form and send it to the Clerk.

Submit a written correspondence or petition

Writing to Council

  • You can write to Council and include your correspondence in the public agenda. Any personal information you write about will become part of the public record.
  • Include your full name and contact info (address, phone, or email).
  • Send your correspondence to the Clerk by noon the day before the meeting.
  • You must address your correspondence to all members of council, not just one, for it to be placed on the agenda.
  • You can find your submitted correspondence in the agenda section “Communications of the City Clerk.”

Submitting a petition to council

A petition is a request signed by multiple people to support a shared cause or concern and will become part of the public record.

  • Petitions can be sent to the Clerk in person, by mail, fax, or email.
  • Petitions can be made on paper, electronically, or through an online system.
  • Include the start date, the organizer’s contact info, the names and addresses of those who signed, and a clear statement communicating the petition's purpose. Important: Only those signed individuals with their name and local address on the petition are counted as relevant petitioners.
  • Submit the petition by noon on Friday before the meeting to get it on the agenda.
  • Council may decide to file the petition for information unless they vote to take further action.

Where to send

By mail or email

City of Niagara Falls

Attention: City Clerk

P.O. Box 1023

4310 Queen Street

Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X5

[email protected]

What you can't bring forward to council

The Clerk has the right to reject any requests or petitions that don’t follow the rules. The following topics are not accepted:

  • anything outside council authority or that misrepresents their process and purpose
  • advertisements or solicitations of business
  • correspondence that is anonymous, disrespectful, offensive, illegible or contains false information
  • education and training sessions of council
  • election campaigns
  • employee issues, labour relations or union negotiations
  • insurance claims
  • matters already decided upon in the current council term
  • matters that staff have been directed to prepare a report about until the matter is before council
  • ongoing legal proceedings
  • vexatious matters that will cause the city to incur additional costs

Rules to follow