Marriage Licence Info

Before your big day, you need a marriage licence!  To be legally married in Ontario, you must first get a marriage licence and then have a ceremony performed by an authorized official. Once your marriage licence is issued, you can use it immediately, and it is valid for 90 days anywhere in Ontario.

Age requirements to get married

  • Applicants must be at least 18 years old.
  • Applicants aged 16 or 17 need consent from both parents or the parent with custody.
  • No one under 16 can marry.

Book an appointment

  • Contact the Clerk's Department at 905-356-7521, ext. 0.
  • Appointments are available Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., excluding holiday closures.
  • A  marriage licence can be issued within 30 minutes if all requirements are met.

Complete the marriage licence application

  • Fill out the Marriage Licence Application online form.
  • Both parties must complete and sign the online form.  Click the "Save and Submit" button to save your application.
  • When you arrive at your appointment, your information can be retrieved. 


  • The 2025 Marriage License fee is $160 non-refundable.
  • Payment can be made in cash or with a Canadian debit card.

What to bring to your appointment

1. Identification

  • One piece of ID must be a birth certificate or passport.
  • The second piece must be a government-issued photo ID such as a driver’s licence, age of majority card, or passport. Health cards are not accepted.

2. Your completed marriage licence application form

  • If only one applicant can attend the appointment, they must bring the completed form signed by both parties and the required ID for both.

3. Divorce or annulment documentation

If you are getting remarried, you must provide additional documents.

  • If you were divorced in Canada:  Bring proof of the divorce. This can be a court-certified copy of a certificate of divorce, the final decree, or the final judgment.
  • If you were divorced outside of Canada: You need to prove that you are no longer married. You or your lawyer must submit certain documents to be validated through Service Ontario. They may take up to four weeks to process, so please allow enough time to complete this before your marriage licence appointment.  Visit the ServiceOntario - Getting Married webpage to learn what documents you need and how to submit them.

Marriage ceremony

To get married in Ontario, you must first obtain a marriage licence and then also have a ceremony performed by an authorized official.

Marriage certificate

A marriage licence is needed before the ceremony, and a marriage certificate is requested after you are married.

  • Visit ServiceOntario, the only government source for issuing marriage certificates.

Frequently asked questions

Can I apply for a marriage licence and get married on the same day?

  • Yes, you can; however, please allow ample time. If documentation or identification is not in order, you could add hours to the processing time, or worse, you could be denied the issuance of a licence. American couples should plan for possible travel or bridge delays.

Can I pick up a marriage licence for someone else?

  • No.  A Marriage licence can only be issued to the applicant and/or joint applicant with both their signatures on the application and both applicant's applicable identification.

Can same-sex couples get a marriage licence?

  • Yes.  All information about marriage licences on this site also applies to same-sex marriages in Ontario.

Do both applicants have to be present to get a marriage licence?

  • No.  However, a Marriage Licence can only be issued to the Applicant and/or Joint Applicant with both of the Applicants signatures on the application and both applicants applicable identification must be presented even if only one applicant is present.

Do I need a marriage licence to have my Banns read in a church?

  • You don’t need a marriage licence if you have your banns read in a church and the banns are registered with the Ontario Government. Please check with your Minister/Priest or see if the Banns are available to be read for your marriage ceremony in place of purchasing a marriage licence.

I am a widow/widower – do I need to provide a death certificate to get remarried?

  • No. If your spouse has died, you do not need proof of death to get a marriage licence.

Is a blood test required?

  • No.  Blood tests or medical certificates are not required in Ontario.


Clerks Department
By Phone: 905-356-7521 ext. 0
By Fax: 905-356-9083
E-Mail: [email protected]

City of Niagara Falls
4310 Queen Street, Box 1023
Niagara Falls, Ontario
Canada L2E 6X5