Help Starting a Business

Small Business Enterprise Centre Logo


Business Registration Assistance

We can assist you with the registration of your Master Business Licence. You can register your sole proprietorship or partnership between 8:30am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday. You can also register your business name online through Service Ontario.

Reference Library

Our reference library contains all the information you need to start or expand your business. You will find information, pamphlets, and booklets to take home as well as directories, guides and magazines available for in-office use.

Business Consultations

A Business Consultant is available, by appointment, to discuss your business and review your business plan. This is a free service.

Seminars & Workshops

Seminars are scheduled throughout the year featuring guest speakers from various professions. These seminars provide an opportunity to ask questions about your business start-up, current operation or business idea.

Research Assistance

Our staff can help you with your market, competitor and industry research.

Business Databases

Business Information System

Information on business-related programs at the Federal and Provincial level. Find information on all forms of government assistance including:

  • legal, tax and regulatory requirements
  • financing
  • How To documents
  • Contact and networking information