![Person on steps with a guitar waving]()
Niagara Falls Cultural Development Fund 2024
Funding Guidelines
Are you a Niagara Falls based artist, organization or collective? The NFCDF is an annual fund for local projects to take place between March and February of each year. Project proposals can range from exhibitions to events, walking tours, workshops, panel discussions, lectures, public programs, art installations, project or concept development, heritage-related ideas, community celebrations, interactive experiences and performances. We encourage participatory and co-created projects, and collaborative partnerships between organizations, collectives and individuals.
What the Fund Supports
We aim to support innovative and inspired cultural programming that is:
- Niagara Falls-based
- Inclusive (accessible, available to the public)
- Collaborative (features shared costs and enhanced partnerships)
- Accountable (has measurable impact and sustainability)
The funds offer funding to Niagara Falls-based individuals, groups, collectives and organizations for the creation, production, presentation and distribution of culture and cultural services.
Innovative projects have the potential to engage the local community with cultural and heritage related ideas and activities.
They can also be used for the advancement of community knowledge through culture or they can advance the arts community’s abilities through education, activities and dialogue. It is also the intention of this fund to provide groups (both formal and informal) with the ability to research and explore new directions for culture in Niagara Falls. This program also supports projects that use arts and culture in innovative ways to tackle issues such as social inclusion and marginalization.
- Allocate funding to new projects that engage the local community with arts, cultural and heritage-related ideas and activities
- Build capacity in Niagara Falls’ culture sector
- Increase access to culture for residents and visitors in Niagara Falls
- Promote cultural partnerships between public, private and governmental
- Celebrate Niagara Falls’ history, people, and identity
Level Of Funding
In 2024, the maximum level of funding that will be allocated to one project may be up to $10,000. Microgrants are up to $2,500.
- October 18, 2024 – NFCDF application available
- October 29, 2024 6pm - NFCDF info session for applicants (must reserve a place)
- December 6, 2024 – NFCDF deadline at 11:59 p.m.
Announcement of Successful Applicants
It is anticipated that successful applicants will be notified by March 2025.
This is also contingent on City of Niagara Falls Council Budget Approval.
Note: Unsuccessful applicants are encouraged to seek feedback from the committee to strengthen any future applications that they may submit.
Project Dates: Projects must occur between March 2025 and February 2026.
Final Reports Due: Within one month of the project completion. The final installment will be paid once all reporting requirements are satisfied.
Full details of the fund and criteria are available in the application package.
Note: Unsuccessful applicants are encouraged to seek feedback from the committee to strengthen any future applications.
Submission Deadline
All applications and supporting documentation must be submitted by Friday December 6, 2024 at 11:59pm. Applications must be submitted electronically.
Program Contact
Kim Van Stygeren
Cultural Development Coordinator, City of Niagara Falls
5810 Ferry Street, Niagara Falls, ON
[email protected]